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After the confession night with Kuroo, you went back to interacting with him as usual. He didn't question you any more. You felt sad that he just agreed to it like that, but it was the best decision for everyone.

Your relationship with him felt a little strained but that was to be expected. This Kuroo doesn't love you, his past did. It was hard to convince yourself at first, but you had to come to that realization now or later.

Earlier today, Alisa called you to go shopping in Harajuku together. You happily agreed and saw her waiting for you by the street's exit.

Alisa: Y/n!

Alisa greeted you like an excited puppy and started dragging you down the street into random stores. Leaving Kuroo in Alisa's care wasn't such a bad idea. She would take care of him well, you were sure about that.

You helped Alisa hold onto her shopping bags until you waited in line to buy some cream crepes.

While sitting on a bench together, munching down the sweets in your hand, Alisa dropped a bomb.

Alisa: We're getting married.

What!? I mean, yes they're engaged but marriage...

Alisa: Kuroo and I already discussed the date and I want you to be my bridesmaid.

You shook your head internally. Kuroo really listened to you well. You didn't know it would progress this fast. You felt like your heart wasn't ready for it despite this also being your own choice.

You: Um... if it's next year, I'll be moving back to Brazil.

You didn't want to go to the wedding. You were willing to quit your new job. The thought of going to Kuroo and Alisa's wedding already made you feel out of breath. Even if people call you a coward because of that, you still didn't want to go.

Alisa: That's too bad.

Alisa frowned as she looked at you. The cute friend you thought of as a little sister, you didn't want to disappoint her, yet the matters of your heart were louder to you than your thoughts of pleasing Alisa.

You really should go back to Brazil and find a new job there. You thought coming back to Japan would reunite with Kuroo as lovers again, but now your reason for coming back has disappeared.

Your father's time at rehab got extended as well, so you couldn't meet him until a few years later. You really should go before everything continues to affect your mental health in the worse way possible.

You: But I'll make sure to Facetime you before the wedding. I need to see my best friend at her best.

Alisa giggle happily and started talking about the venue and dresses she's been thinking about. You told her your own opinion for the best event and Alisa took notes. It's better if you supported her like this, you couldn't bear to watch your two best friends getting married.

After your time with Alisa, you walked back home with a new resolve. It's time to move on. Either it's now or never.

You went about your days doing self-therapy to forget about Kuroo. He didn't seem to be bothered by you and he didn't bother you either. Sometimes you wanted to ask him to join you for lunch, but that would complicate things even more.

This continued for a while until you and Kuroo were caught in an empty elevator together. The awkward silence brewing between you and Kuroo made you crack.

You: Are you finishing up the project well?

Kuroo: I'll send you the finished file later. You can check it yourself.

You frowned. He seems to be angry. Kuroo isn't usually like this so you tried to ask.

You: Something wrong?

You could hear a mocking laugh from his side.

Kuroo: When are you going to tell me that you're going back to Brazil next year?

Kuroo was angry because you didn't tell him about that. Well, you made the choice on a whim and you thought Alisa would relay the information to him, so you didn't bother. And he wasn't the only one that had the right to be angry at the moment.

You: Then when are you going to tell me you already set a date to get married?

Kuroo: Isn't that what you wanted?

You looked at him with your mouth agape. Why the heck is this man trying to put random words into your mouth. You did want that, but you've never said it directly. And the question was why he hasn't told you about it yet.

You: I'm not forcing you into doing anything, Kuroo. I only want you to be happy!

You started to feel angry. You were sacrificing your feelings for him. He didn't even know you existed until a few months ago. Before that, he was already happily engaged to Alisa.

Kuroo: Then why won't you go to the wedding?

You: Will you be happy if I go?

Kuroo went dead silent after that.

The elevator door opened to the floor you selected and you rushed out, not wanting to be in the same space as Kuroo anymore.

You should leave. The faster the better.

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