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It's been a few months since you met Alisa and her boyfriend. You've been diligently sticking to the playdate schedule and Hana has been loving it. She really liked playing with Rei that it annoyed Kuroo sometimes.

Kuroo: I'm not letting her get a boyfriend, ever.

Kuroo grumbled with a pout as you kissed his cheeks.

You: They're still babies. You shouldn't worry too much.

Kuroo: I don't like seeing flies around her.

You: Stop calling toddlers flies.

You hit Kuroo on the shoulder.

Kuroo: No, just the male ones. As her Papa, I have to swat all the annoying flies out there.

You rolled your eyes at the sulking man when Alisa came into the living room with her husband.

Alisa: Should we take them out to play? There's a playground close to here right?

Kuroo and you looked at each other. There was. That was the playground you drunkenly talked to Kuroo and where you confessed to him. You shifted uneasily in your place as Kuroo snaked an arm around your waist.

Kuroo: Yeah, let's go there.

Kuroo and Daiki carried the children and let them play in the playground. You were happy that you got to talk again with Alisa. Despite losing contact with her, she still acted as your cute little sister.

Kuroo and Daiki even bonded well. That was really shocking to both you and Alisa but you and she just laughed it off. To think that they could go back to days like this.

Suddenly, there was a loud sound going from behind the playground. All the adults looked tense as it sounded like a gunshot. Kuroo and Daiki decided to look into it. While they were gone, a metal sound dropped and a lady shouted from behind you and Alisa but when you turned around, there was no one there. Suddenly, your instincts told you something was wrong.

You ran to the playground to see that Hana and Rei had disappeared. You and Alisa panicked when Kuroo and Alisa's boyfriend came back, telling them that there was nothing.

The group immediately ran over to the police station, telling them that their children were missing. Shockingly, the police said that there has been an increase in child kidnapping nowadays. Four children disappeared yesterday.

You grabbed onto Kuroo as your worried heart shuddered. Kuroo pulled you into his chest and kissed you lightly to calm you down.

Kuroo: It's alright, we'll look for Hana and Rei too.

You: We? But the police said-

Kuroo: I want to look for my daughter.

Kuroo stared intensely into your eyes as you broke down. Yes, Hana was Kuroo's and your daughter. You have to look for her.

You, Kuroo, Alisa, and Daiki didn't stay long in the police station with the other parents that lost their children. The group went over to the playground to look for clues. There has to be something, there needs to be some kind of clue. You dread thinking about Hana in some weird perverts arms.

Daiki: There's something here!

Everyone huddled over towards Daiki as he held up a silver coin with a picture of a dove. Kuroo eyed it for a while before cursing.

Kuroo: That's the Silver Dove's emblem.

Daiki: You don't mean the mafia group right?

Unfortunately, Daiki was right. The children must've been caught by the Silver Dove's men. Alisa let out a river of curses as she snatched the coin from her lover.

Alisa: Fuck them! Let's go over there immediately!

Kuroo: Wait, they're powerful and scary people, A-chan.

Alisa: That's why! What if something happens to Rei and-

You pulled Alisa's arm and shook your head. You were also worried sick about Hana but it was better to plan things out first considering they were opposing the Silver Dove mafia's group.

Kuroo: We need solid proof to bring them down. Even the government doesn't dare to touch them without proof.

Alisa relaxed into your arms as Kuroo started to tell everyone his plan.

First, they would infiltrate the mafia base. The base exists under the Doverie Night Club. He would ask for the police to watch over the outside and inside the club in disguise. They shouldn't tip the group off and hide well.

You, Kuroo, Alisa, and Daiki will go down to meet the manager of the club and that's when the real plan starts.

Alisa: Are you ready?

Alisa wore a tight cocktail dress as you wore yours. You had to borrow one from her because your wardrobe was a bit outdated.

Alisa: You look lovely, y/n.

Alisa stuck a hairpin into your bun to set it up. You laughed nervously before complimenting her back. They were on a mission to get their children back.

The girls met up with the guys as they helped each other with the cuffs of their shirts.

Alisa nudged at you and you laughed looking at them getting along well.

Kuroo looked over to you and smiled before kissing your lips and looking at you from head to toe, whispering something in your ear.

Kuroo: Unbelievably ravishing.

You: Shut up.

You tried to pull away as a blush appeared on your face. Kuroo happily kissed your cheeks before leading the group out to the night club.

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