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(time skip)

It's been five years since your last stay in Japan. Today you brought a little bundle of joy in your arms with you as you kissed her softly on her chubby cheeks.

Flight Attendant: Would you like some refreshments, ma'am?

You: I'm alright, thank you.

Hana: Jush! Hana wan oweenj jush!

The little baby girl cried in your arms and you laughed. You ordered the little girl's cravings and received a box of orange juice with a smile from the flight attendant. Even with Hana's incessant cries, she was still able to steal a lot of people's hearts.

You also couldn't help but pamper and cave into the baby as she lovingly asked for things using her big round puppy eyes.

You landed at Haneda Airport after a long flight and decided to hail a taxi rather than going by train.

Not long after, Hana fell asleep in your lap as you sang her a little lullaby. Hana was the sweetest and cutest little bean to have ever existed.

Taxi Driver: We're here.

You thanked the taxi driver and gave him a huge tip before asking the man to help you pull out your luggage from the trunk. After helping you roll the bag to your old house, the taxi driver left and you tried to look for the hidden key under the door. Before you could find it though, the door opened on its own.

You: Dad.

You could see your old man looking way better than his drunkard days. He almost looked like the capable man you relied on in your younger days.

Dad: Y/n? Is that you? And the little girl... is she my granddaughter?

You couldn't help but laugh. He's been sober for three years now. Your dad took more mental health classes in rehab to repent for the things he did to you before.

He was clearly a new man.

You: Yes and yes.

You cried as he pulled you into a hug. Your father was back to normal and he seemed to be living quite well. You've been sending money over and you've checked through the cards that he spent the money well. No more gambling or drinking. He was truly sober.

Dad: I missed you so much, y/n. And I'm is sorry for the things I did-

You: I already forgave you. Let's go inside, we should put Hana to sleep.

Your father helped you unpack and admired the cute baby.

You and your father happily watched over the baby until she fell asleep.

Dad: My granddaughter is so sweet.

You: She sure is.


The next day, you started settling down into work. You applied for a different division in Japan's Volleyball Association and was received well. Of course, you worked your ass off in Brazil to secure a good job in Japan. You were now working for your family, you, your dad, and Hana.

You walked into the building and as an assistant escorted you up to the director's room. You watched the staff as they went by. None of them were your co-workers before, and that somehow made you feel relaxed.

You ended up on one of the highest floors in a huge single room. The assistant told you to sit before in the reception room first to wait for the director.

You were glad that you could come back. The building felt really nostalgic and the memories made here weren't that bad.

Director: Mrs. L/n, I'm sorry for being late.

You turned around to give the director a smile.

You: It's alright, I didn't wait for long.

Director: Y/n?

You opened your eyes wide to look at the man standing in front of you. There's no mistaking his identity.

You: Kuroo...

Kuroo's face softened and he smiled back at you before taking his seat behind the director's desk. To think he'd climbed up this high in the company. He must've been working like a freak in the last five years.

Kuroo: You're so weird, y/n.

You: Oh? Why is that?

Kuroo: You changed your name.

You suddenly felt bashful and turned away from his gaze. You did it on a whim because you were emotional back then.

You: Ah... It's a midlife crisis thing. And it was impulsive, I have no other reasons.

He sweetly laughed and your heart sunk. To think that you haven't moved on from Kuroo after all these years.

Kuroo: You're still weirdly cute.

You: Kuroo!

Kuroo: Hahaha.. right. Let's get back to business. Your cv is really good, y/n. I bet you can take on the manager's job smoothly.

You: Reminds me of our old manager. Do you know how he's doing now?

Kuroo: He retired last year. He actually helped go up to this position.

You: A nice man he is.

You pondered as Kuroo looked at you with his dazzling eyes. He'd grown older but in a good way. Like a fine wine.

Kuroo grew well into wearing suits and his build was still as toned and well proportioned as before. His hair was still the lazy bed hair he always had. Even that habit still made its way until he became a director in this seat.

Kuroo: Ehm... you can go to my assistant outside and she'll tell you more about your work.

You: Right, thank you Kuroo.

You stood up from your seat and walked to the door.

Kuroo: You look great by the way.

You laughed at his remark.

You: Is this you trying to flatter me now that I'm old?

Kuroo: It's not bad to periodically hear that you don't lack any elements, Mrs. L/n.

You burst out laughing and Kuroo relaxed into his seat.

You: You're still such a dork.

You couldn't help but smile and shake your head before leaving Kuroo alone in his room. You couldn't help but feel happy to meet him again, and he hasn't changed a lot in all these years apart.

Assistant: Mrs. L/n, I'll show you to your office.

You followed Kuroo's assistant out of the director's floor and started your new job. You wouldn't see a lot of Kuroo because he's now one of the higher-ups, but you were glad that he was doing well at work.

You also wanted to do well at work for Hana and your dad's sake.

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