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You arrived early at work as your new assistant greeted you. Kuroo's assistant told you that his name was Kosuke.

Kosuke: It's a pleasure to work with you.

You: Then I'll be in your care.

You watched as the young man heavily nodded back and you started your work.

A couple of weeks passed like leaves drifting in the wind in autumn. Kuroo didn't miss any weekend visits to play with Hana and Hana seems to like him a lot. The only problem was, she didn't want to stop calling him Papa even though you told her that Kuroo wasn't her father.

The stubborn baby stuck to him that sometimes you felt jealous that she chose to play with Kuroo all the time.

You: Stop hogging Hana all to yourself.

You watched Hana obediently sit on Kuroo's lap while he watched a volleyball game. Hana munched on a piece of cut apple as she tried to mimic Kuroo and focused on the tv screen.

Kuroo: I'm Hana's Papa.

You: And I'm her Mama!

Kuroo: Then come here.

Kuroo patted on a space beside him and Hana as you reluctantly sat next to them.

You: You should tell her to stop calling you Papa.

Kuroo: Why? I like it.

You: What if she really thinks that you're her father?

Kuroo: And what's wrong with that?

You frustratedly cursed at Kuroo under your breath and looked towards your baby to calm yourself down. It's just not right for Hana to think that Kuroo is her papa. It's so wrong.

Back at work, your assistant did a diligent job as he made it easier for you to focus on the important projects. You had a meeting with a sponsor today and it ended up as a successful deal. Your assistant was driving you back in the company car.

Kosuke: Um... L/n-san.

You turned towards him and asked him why.

Kosuke: Do you mind if we go out for dinner... sometimes?

You were shocked. All this time you knew Kosuke paid a lot of attention to you but you didn't realize that he had a crush on you like this. You chuckled at the cute guy.

You: You're younger than me, Kosuke-san.

Kosuke blushed to your reply, but he was stubborn.

Kosuke: I mean, I don't mind if you're okay with it... No- I'm... I'm just-

You: It's alright, we can have dinner. Maybe two days from now after we secure another sponsorship.

Kosuke brightened up immediately as he gripped the steering wheel of the car. You couldn't see Kosuke as anything other than an assistant or a little brother, but you've never had a date or dated anyone besides Kuroo. Maybe you could try and explore more about the dating world.

On the promised day, after successfully securing yet another sponsorship, you and Kosuke walked together down the streets of Shibuya.

Kosuke talked a lot about his work before and his hobbies. You just listened to him, enjoying the company of another person.

Kosuke leads you to a famous ramen restaurant and you walked inside to the homey place. The workers greeted you respectfully as you gave them your order ticket.

Kosuke helped you take off your blazer and you sat on the tall bar chair beside his.

Kosuke: This place is really famous.

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