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Since that day, Kuroo came over to your house every day. After work, he would drive you home and stay over. He even brought a suitcase filled with clothes and other necessities to your house. Your once empty bathroom shelf now had Kuroo's aftershave and toothbrush hanging around yours.

He would stay over seven days a week if he could and Hana was happy to see her Papa spending more time at home.

Kuroo: Hana, say it after me.

Hana nodded enthusiastically.

Kuroo: Say, Vol - li - ball.

Hana: Voyibyol!

Kuroo: No, no. Volleyball.

Hana: Yoyifol!

Kuroo looked over to you with a desperate face and you laughed at them.

Kuroo: Well, I guess it's Yoyifol now. What the heck is volleyball, right?

He turned to the baby who kept nodding enthusiastically to every word he said. You bent down to give Hana a kiss and went to Kuroo to kiss his forehead too.

You: We should get ready. I want to bring dad to lunch too, today.

Kuroo scooped the baby into his arms.

Kuroo: Sure, I'll get this angel ready. You can relax.

Kuroo kissed you on the lips and you smiled. It's nice now that you have Kuroo to help you take care of Hana. Your father was old, you worried that taking care of Hana would be too much for him.

You: Dad! Get ready too!

You shouted from the living room and your family got ready to go out for lunch. Hana only wanted Kuroo to carry her but you were fine with that. She was getting heavier and heavier than your arms felt weak whenever she's in your arms.

You reserved a nice restaurant to eat with your dad, Kuroo, and Hana. Your dad has been anti-social and mostly alone at home since he finished rehab. Now he was happy that his daughter actually brought him out and treated him to a nice lunch. He still felt guilty for treating you the way he did before but he was glad that you forgave him.

Of course, you knew why he began drinking and started his abuse. It was since your mother died. He started getting weird since then. That's why you couldn't bear to leave him behind.

You: Isn't this nice?

Hana: Hana lyaik! Is Mama, Is Papa, Is Gwampa!

Kuroo wiped away the sauce leftover Hana's face as she excitedly talked in her baby gibberish.

Dad: Thank you, y/n.

Your father started crying. He was looking down on his plate of food. He didn't deserve such a loving daughter.

You: It's alright, dad. Let's go out more often together.

Kuroo supported your thought. You were happy.

Someone: Y/n? Kuroo?

Both of you looked towards the voice and found Alisa with a man and a toddler in her arms. You gave Kuroo a look and he just shook his head, telling you that he didn't know what was going on.

You: Alisa and...

Alisa: Oh, this is my boyfriend and his son. Daiki and Rei.

You went over to Alisa and gave her a hug. Kuroo followed you from behind and greeted Daiki respectfully.

Alisa: Are you and Kuroo... like-

You laughed at her awkward question.

You: Yeah, we're together.

Alisa: At last! You've always been better suited for him.

Alisa shook her head and turned to Kuroo.

Alisa: No offense.

Kuroo: None taken.

Daiki looked over the whole scene and poked Alisa's side to look for an answer.

Alisa: This is my best friend, Y/n. And my ex-husband, Kuroo.

With the news, Daiki frowned but wiped away the look before we got the wrong impression.

Kuroo: Don't worry. Y/n here is my girlfriend.

Daiki nodded back at Kuroo, his face relaxed a bit.

You pointed towards your table where Hana and your dad were.

Alisa: Oh, hello Mr. L/n. Nice to meet you again.

Your dad smiled at your friend that he barely remembered while Alisa eyed the baby eating yogurt in the baby chair. You turned to see where Alisa is looking and asked her to join you for lunch.

Alisa and her boyfriend accepted as you filled her in about what has been going on since you last left for Brazil. Alisa also told her part of the story. She said that she kind of forced Kuroo into the relationship and always felt guilty about that, and until she met Daiki she realized that she's been doing everything wrong.

She told Kuroo about the whole problem and they decided to divorce. At that time, Daiki didn't know anything about it. Her boyfriend also listened intently to the conversation.

Alisa: That was a good meal. And look-

Alisa pointed to the babies playing together.

Alisa: Looks like Rei and Hana like each other.

You nodded, happy to see your daughter play with another child her age.

You: They should be playmates.

Alisa nodded. You and Alisa made an agreement. You would bring Hana over or she would bring Rei over sometimes so they can play together.

Kuroo and Rei actually found things they liked in common. They started to bond despite one being his lover's ex-husband, but Kuroo was a respectful man. He also has you, that's why Daiki decided to open up.

After Alisa left her new contact with you, the new couple left with their toddler as Hana cried from being separated from her new friend.

You: It's alright, baby. You can play with Rei again.

Hana looked over to you with her big round eyes.

Hana: Pwomish?

You: I promise.

With that, Hana behaved again in Kuroo's arms while you paid for lunch. After that, your family and Kuroo decided to go to a park to relax and Hana started to fall asleep.

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