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                            June 24th

Adi looked down. Her hands were sweaty. She wasn't used to plane rides. That too a plane ride where she was going to change her life forever.

Her life was dull and boring until she got an e-mail one fine night when she was just laying down with her messy bun enjoying a BTS concert. Her mind as usual played tricks on her and she went back to the same dream that she keeps on dreaming everytime she thinks of Jeon Jungkook.

"I wanted to tell you something kook."

"What is it?"

"I know it's stupid and silly but-"

"Just tell me."

"I wanted to tell you that I-"

And then she wakes up. She never finishes her dream. What was she supposed to say to him? Why was the dream was so realistic? It was as if she saw Jungkook with her own eyes.

Midway through the concert an email notification popped up on the screen and she spit out the chips that she was eating.

"Holy shit!" She screamed. She fished out her cellphone from the pillow that she absentmindedly threw when she returned home from her another hectic day of class. She called Krish.

"I swear Adi hentai is not an anime to watch with your-"

"I got the seat for PhD course in Seoul university." She said in one go not wanting to know what category of anime hentai was.

"Yeah yeah...wait what?" He screamed through the speakers almost deafening her in the process. "You're not kidding?"

"No!" She screamed as she jumped up and down. "Krish we're going to Seoul!"

The next thing they knew they were on a flight to Seoul.

"I hate having sweaty hands." Krish said as he rubbed his hand for the umpteenth time.

"You know what's worse?" Adi said fiddling with the strings of her hoodie.


"Boob sweat." She grinned as Krish scrunched his nose. "What? I swear it's worse man."


"Try having boobs for a day then you'd realize."

"I'd rather have them on my hand than on my chest thank you very much."


He let out a chuckle.

They got out from the Seoul airport to the apartment that they were going to share. It was a cozy place with two bedrooms and a single kitchen. It was worth it. All the times that they've spend together studying instead of partying out played well.

Now they can party for real in Seoul. Adi grinned at that thought. She always dreamed of karaoke nights, drunken memories and long cold walks in Han river and finally all the dreams came to light.

The taxi passed through a bus stop. A particular bus stop. Her heart skipped a beat.

"Have I been here before?"

Her eyes were stuck on one particular seat but the traffic was today on the taxi's favor and not on Adi's so the cab ran off super fast without giving Adi the chance to acknowledge her déjà vu. She shrugged off her thoughts and pushed it on the back of her mind to overthink about it later.

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