Chapter Ten [II]

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-·=»『 𝙿𝚕𝚊𝚗 』«=·-

"Well, first off, she is a great strategist. The castle is also extremely complexed, and the Watchers that are in the castle are the most loyal and the most powerful of the bunch." Ryder explains, he squeezed his eyes shut and frowned in concentration.

A holographic image of the castle flickered before Ryder collapsed, the image still up as he grumbled. "This is the throne room, where we would usually oversee the activities argh-" Ryder shakes as his eye flashes blood red, he immediately backs away as he covers his left eye.


"Well crap, his curse is acting up again! This is the worst time to happen!" Xerneous shouts as he rushes over, using his powers in an attempt to suppress it but it was futile. Ryder lets out shaky breaths as red scales covered his left side, along with a horn that looked familiar to a dragon.

His left eye was no longer warm grey but the fiery red of the nether. He cried in pain as though something was killing him, and his curse was protecting him. His left hand was covered in blood-red scales swung aimlessly around. Swatting the air.

Suddenly yellow change emerged and chain him down as he struggled against its binds before collapsing.

"Eli?" Grian said the Primal Admin frowned as she looked at her brother in confusion.

"Xerneous, do you have a clue what would've to cause the sudden flare-up?" Eli asked he went silent before speaking up.

"I think it was the aftermath of the injuries Lilith caused,"

"What are you guys talking about?" Grian looked confused at the two.

Eli sighs, "Xel, you have time for a story?" Grian nodded and sat down as Xerneous went over to check on Ryder.

"The three of us, Lilith, Ryder and me are created from the dimension curse itself. Which means that my Admin powers are unable to nullify the curse because it would kill me, although, it usually does nullify it for Admins. " Eli paused for Grian to take it in, and he gestured to her to continue.

"And since Ryder is a Watcher, his curse is amplified which makes it harder from him to control. Out of the three of us, his flare-up is the worst as usually things that cause this flare-up is when we are injured badly. Usually the aftermath, but there can be a chance that he was indirectly injured,"

"What do you mean by indirectly injured?" Grian asked, confused.

"The passive role we have on the code, example for me, anyone messing with the texture of the code for all the players, it could cause my curse to flare up. and for Ryder, if anyone tries to mess with the corrupted code, it would cause his curse to flare up."

"What exactly is a passive role?" Grian inquired.

"It's something that has to do with what our powers are meant to do as we exist, honestly it's very confusing. All you have to know if someone tries to break it, our magic reacts to try to fend if off which causes harm to us," Eli explains.

"So is Lilith really behind all this?" Grian frowned.

"Most likely, but I have a feeling that there is someone else behind this," Xerneous replied.

A few minutes of comfortable silence went by and they waited for Ryder to wake up. He did and hissed at the burning pain of the chains, Eli swiftly caused the chains to dissolve into dust.

"Sorry for the sudden interruption of our earlier conversation," Ryder smiled as Xerneous forced him to sit back down. Which he reluctantly complied.

"So, as I said earlier, this is the throne room where she oversees everything."

"This is the main area," Ryder says as he cast his magic, Eli had already used her powers to make a shield to prevent others from sensing his aura, the purple holographic 3D model of the castle was shown to them.

"Gosh Herobrine built all that? And I thought this headquarters that Notch and Jeb built is a mess of a maze." Eli grumbles as she inspected the model, looking at the corridors that led to multiple rooms and some that looped back.

"Just like this HQ of yours, the former Primals had built it so that teleporting and blasting from the outside is not an option. I'll help guide you through the place, I practically live there all my life." Ryder spoke up, Grian looked at the model in silence.

"She surely would be expecting us, which means that she may most likely try to lure you two away, or any other Admins you decided to bring with you. As I said before, the corridors are unlike yours, very inconsistent and may lead you into an ambush."

"Then I suggest we strike as soon as possible," Eli said, the two nodded.


"Xel there is a meeting in a moment, you joining?" Eli asked Grian nodded.

"I see, I have to return to HQ for the meeting, Ryder you are joining me and Xel," Elicaria says, Grian looks at Ryder who hesitantly nodded.

"Ryder, you'd have to suppress your magic for a bit, I'd give you a cloak to cover your identity. Xel you need to wear your cloak, unless..." Elicaria says as she waved her hands, the golden like magic of her Admin powers as a white cloak appeared with a green crown.

Ryder sent a look of 'Must I?'. Eli thrust the cloak and mini crown at the Primal Watcher as he sighs, his black cloak disappeared to reveal his worn-out diamond chest plate. He had gloves that were made out of iron as it shone with a purple aura.

He, in a swift movement, had the white cloak on and with the help of Eli's magic, the crown floated. Ryder looked like a Jade tiered Admin, the hood covering most of his face. Grian's normal clothes were covered by the white cloak. He smiled as he nodded at Eli, she waved her hand and they teleported to the lobby. There were many hushed chattering when they made their appearance.

"What tier is that Admin? They don't have wings that is for sure,"

"A Jade Admin silly, look at their crown!"

"I bet that Jade tiered Admin got in trouble hehe,"

"Something must be serious to see the Primal Admin Elicaria out and about,"

"What's with hiding their identity? They must be lower ranks, probably saving their dignity,"

Grian was shoved by Ryder rather harshly to the direction they were headed. Grian glared under his hood which Ryder ignored and dragged the other Primal without much effort as Elicaria led them through the unending stretch of corridors.

She unlocked the door and they headed into her office, Grian took a good look at this, he has not been here for quite a while.

"Here," She tossed a file towards Grian. The shock on Grian's face was amusing to the other two, Eli picked up another four files and typed something on her communicator once again.

"The door is going to be locked, don't do anything stupid. The both of you," Elicaria, despite her tired mumble, gave a cold glare as the door behind her clicked shut; essentially locking Ryder and Grian in the office.

"I guess helping her organize this mess could pass the time," Ryder mumbles as he picked himself up and began picking up the stacks of papers that laid messily on the floor and tables. While Grian read through the contents of the large amount of paperwork. Oh the joy.


-·=»『 A/N «=·-

Aye, hope you guys enjoyed this! Have an amazing day/night everyone! See you next week :D Tq for the support, luv yall! <33

Woo, two months have passed hope yall have a wonderful month this year, if not, maybe next month! <3

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