chapter twenty four

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"Lets hope our last night here is memorable," I said, taking a deep breath as we stood outside the boys' house.

"Memorable in a good way," Ava added. Ever since that night at the club, Ava was on edge. She had made several comments today about how she wasn't going to let me out of her sight.

"Relax, Avs, I doubt tonight will get out of hand. Besides, we've got our own personal bodyguard," I said joking about how protective Owen had become.

"I do trust Owen. Not Charlie. So my guard is still up," Ava said, ringing the doorbell and dismissing me. She was really stubborn sometimes.

"Please, just don't worry about me, I'm fine. It's our last night. Let's make it count before we have to get back to scrubbing toilets," I said scrunching my nose in disgust at the thought.

"Ew, please don't remind me. This week has been too luxurious for me to go back to picking up used condoms off the hotel room floors," Ava said practically gagging.

"AVA!" Sawyer groaned, tring to shake the image from her head. I couldn't help but laugh thinking of that day.

It was one of our busiest weeks. Ava had grabbed the condom with a used chopstick she found on the floor and went down for the pool. She went around asking every single guest if they were the ones staying in room 2003. That day will forever be etched in my brain.

"What's taking so long?" Ava complained, pressing the doorbell a couple more times.

The door swung open and Charlie stood there grinning down at us. "Hey there are my-" he started to say but Owen came up from behind him.

"My girls!" Owen yelled. "Come in, come in," he pushed Charlie out of the way and grabbed my hand and pulled me through the door. "Sawyer, Ava, don't be shy. Make yourselves at home. You are the guests of honor after all."

I turned my head around and saw Charlie closing the door. He had a confused look on his face, but then he followed us into the house.

There was music blaring and it kind of stressed me out. The house was a bit crowded, but not because there were too many people. Everyone I had met my first day visiting the set was here. The house just made it seem like it was crowded.

"This is the kitchen," Owen said, guiding us through the door. "Feel free to grab whatever drinks you want," his hand hovered over the section of the counter that was filled with a variety of drinks. Hard pass, I thought to myself. I didn't trust myself drinking anymore.

"So Sawyer," Charlie said, stepping in front of us, hiding his arms behind his back. "Since you are the bride to be, we decided to throw you a impromptu-not-so-great-but-it's-the-thought-that-counts-bachelorette party! So can I get a drum roll please," he nodded towards Owen who started drumming on his stomach. Charlie brought out a tiara with toilet paper attached to it like a train. "Ta da!" Charlie, Owen, and Jeremy yelled.

Owen grabbed Sawyer's hand and pulled her out as Charlie carefully put the tiara on her head.

My heart was melting. Sawyer was beaming. I really thought that I might have ruined her bachelorette trip. I'm so glad they pulled through.

Owen gave me a wink as he stepped out of the room.

Maybe this wouldn't be so bad after all.

"I'm fine, go have fun," I said, nudging Ava's arm with my own.

"No thanks," she said, ignoring me. She turned her head and watched as Sawyer was dancing with Jeremy and Carolynn. "As much as I hate to admit it, this was very sweet of lover boy," Ava said nodding towards Charlie on the dance floor. I tried to stifle a laugh at how hard she was trying her best not to admit defeat.

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