Chapter Two

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I've been vomiting every morning without fail for weeks now. I'm trying to ignore it. Trying to force it leave me, find someone else but it won't. I'm pretending that ignore the fact that I can feel the life stirring inside me because it doesn't seem fair. This shouldn't be happening, I can barely move from my bed these days. I can't do this without him and yet when I need him most he's gone. Lost in another dimension. Forever.

Maja keeps coming. I keep sending her away. Denying its existence won't stop it from happening but I can damn well try. Cassian and Azriel left the house today, the first of us to do so. I've been blocking out the memory of them returning and collapsing at the door, shadows almost swallowing Az whole and Cassian just sitting there, shuddering as the tears rolled down his face. The only one of us who hasn't spent each day fending off tears is Amren. She's set about getting Velaris under control, I think the work distracts her from the reality and under her graceful hand people have started coming back out into the streets. I can hear them laughing now. How can they be laughing? I can't remember the last time I so much as smiled.

Sorry it's so short but I'll hopefully getting the next few chapters to you guys today or at least by the end of the week.

A little explanation on why I decided to rewrite, I just didn't like the direction the other story was heading and had new ideas and it just felt easier to start over.

Again just ask if you want me to delete the previous version or keep it or anything.

Thank you for coming so far and joining me on this journey, it means the world X

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