Chapter Twelve

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Rhys was fiddling, I'd never seen him fiddle before. I told him to wait outside and while I went into the town house.

They were all waiting, backs straight and looking extremely nervous. Their heads snapped towards me the moment I entered and relaxed slightly.
"Well?" Cassian's voice was almost shaking, I couldn't tell if it was from anger or worry.
"He has a reason. A good one which I personally believe. He is not asking for forgiveness he's just asking that you listen and try to understand."
"And what do you think?" Mor's voice was bland.
"He was crying. That's enough to tell me that he in no way meant it and, it's going to take a while for all of us, I think it's best for us to not hold grudges for something he has no control over. We cannot afford to let our family fall apart from within, not while we have a possible civil war on our hands."
Amren nodded sharply from the corner and Nesta and Elain quietly left the room.

Rhys came in and sat down on one of the armchairs next to the fire. His wings were splayed out behind him and his hair and clothes were ruffled. No one talked. I sighed and rolled my eyes. "I'm not sure about you but in my experience for someone to converse they have to talk," I snapped a finger in Rhys' face, "and look at each other." They still didn't move and I sent a gust of wind to get Rhys up and out of his chair, "Rhysand stop being all guilt ridden and shit, now is not the time for that and honestly it is disconcerting to have you not at least vaguely smirking," his eyes were staring at the floor, "I know there are some very interesting stains on the floor but you are going to go sit on the sofa. Facing your family and you are going to stop moping and explain to them, the same way you did to me but with less tears, where you were and you are not going to ask them to forgive you and then we can go discuss how to keep this court running." He smiled slightly at that and slowly went to sit on the sofa and then I turned to the rest of my family, "You guys are going to listen. You are not going to judge him until he's finished and you are not going to interrupt him until he is finished. If I hear so much as a mutter from you I will come back and pummel your asses until they are as flat as pancakes." Azriel smirked slightly at that and I pointed at him and mouthed 'shut it.'

Rhys grabbed my arm as I passed, "Where the hell are you going?"
"You are not three Rhys, you are perfectly capable of having this conversation without me holding your hand besides this is something between you and your friends of five hundred years. It is not my place to be here." He didn't say anything but his hand stopped holding me so tightly and I slipped out of the room.

Elain and Nesta were waiting for me in the garden and I collapsed into the arms Elain held open for me. I didn't cry but Elain still murmured into my hair, rubbing my back lightly and Nesta even placed a light hand on my arm. I slapped myself, "Sorry. Gods I've hardly spoken to you. How are you?" Elain smiled,
"I've decided to stop being attracted to Azriel." I raised and eyebrow at that, and Elain shrugged, "We don't match, it would never work out and besides I'm obviously not his mate. He's got someone out there once he stops staring at Mor every second of the day which will hopefully be soon if he sees how much Mor and Zinna care about each other."
"Mor and Zinna? By the cauldron I didn't think they were serious." She patted my arm and I turned to Nesta, "Have you decided to accept your attraction to Cassian then?" Nesta spit out the water she'd been sipping and screeched, well kind of a quiet screech, "I am not attracted to that asshole and I never will be. Cease your matchmaking before you regret it." I smirked and winked at Elain but said nothing more of it.

We sat there for the better part of an hour before Nuala came out and murmured in my ear, "They're finished." Her expression didn't look promising.

Oof ok ya'll the next chapter is going to be intense but I am hoping my writing is up to it heh. I did delete the previous story but if any of you want to read it I have saved it on my laptop so I can always upload it again in a different story for you I just won't update it. Oop I've also published it on AO3, well part of it so heh.

As always thank you for your support Xx

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