Chapter Nineteen

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The streets of Velaris were unusually quiet as we walked back home, a few fae came to greet us and ask about Kai and we promised to bring him out once he was old enough but very few walked through the city. It was as if the war we all knew was coming had draped a solemn vale over the bright homes.

Azriel and Mor took the Lady of Autumn to the House of Wind, giving her the room next to Lucien's old room and gave her all the basic rules but made it incredibly clear that she is in no way our prisoner, that she could remain there as long as she wanted and that we were doing it to keep her safe from her husbands inevitable wrath.

None of us spoke much as Rhys and Cass collapsed in front of the fire, Kai was sleeping in our room when I went to check on him and I smiled slightly at the sight of his midnight hair, so like his Fathers. I placed a kiss on his forehead and went to rejoin the others. They'd found a bottle of something or other and I tutted as I slumped down next to Nesta.
"What?" Cassian asked, sounding slightly offended and I rolled my eyes,
"One of these days you are going to die from drinking to much alcohol." The Illyrian Warrior laughed and replied,
"If that happens I will gladly accept a 'told you so' over my dead body." We all smiled at that and Amren sat forwards in her chair,
"That was... unexpected." The disbelief in her voice was something new and Rhys sighed and nodded,
"Beron was obviously not going to be happy and Tamlin.. well he likes to be contradictory but Kallias? That was a surprise, and what Viviane did. Well it's not unsurprising but I was not expecting it."
"And what the fuck was Eris doing listening in on our conversations, beside what the hell does he gain from announcing to the everyone that Lucien is Helion's son? It's not like it is going to get him the throne any quicker... unless he wants Helion and Beron to get into some big fight hat may end up killing his father." Everyone looked slightly concerned at the thought of that but Azriel said to me, "Helion is a smart male, smart enough to realise the reason behind Eris doing what he did and Beron is smart enough to understand that if he fought on our territory it would not be against the rules for him to be forced to step down from the role of High Lord and pass it onto one of his sons."
"That can happen? I thought a High Lord had to die for the succession to be passed on."
"It is incredibly rare and has only happened once in recorded history but if one High Lord kills another and lives to tell the tale then they are... encouraged to step down and pass on their leadership to their heir."

We lounged about for hours, talking, Cassian even decided to sing to Kai when I brought him down which ended up with my son crying and Mor very unceremoniously choking back a laugh. Eventually we received word that the issue between Beron, Helion and Lucien had been somewhat resolved and that the Heir to the Day Court had gone to the House of Wind to be with his mother. Nesta and Cassian spent the entire time subconsciously flirting while pretending to fight which Rhys found to be an endless source of amusement and I had to give him several subtle kicks under the table to stop him commenting. 

A week passed and nothing much happened and then we got a letter saying that our, well I guess our allies, had prepared to meet and discuss strategies the next day, we were to meet at the House of Wind and get ready for a rather long day. 

This was going to be fun.

This has taken SO long to get out and I have absolutely no excuse so sorry about that.

Have any of you seen the newest Mandalorian episode? I cried so much and to be honest I'm still crying. Series 3 has a lot of things to fix.

Anyway, I'm not sure if I already said it but thank you so much for 2k views, it means the world.

Also I'm kinda thinking of starting a new fic set in the Star Wars universe based around saving Anakin and helping train Grogu and stuff, maybe a Jedi with a super long life span. Idk but yeah. Let me know what you guys think Xx

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