Chapter Three

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Madja forced her way into the house today. She sat me down on the bed and she probably would have slapped me if I hadn't been her High Lady.
"Feyre I know it hurts. I know all you want to do for the forceable future is mope around in bed all day but you can't. There are people out there who need you, good people who have no idea where to go or what to do. You made a vow as High Lady. Do not forget that vow and do not forget the child growing in you. This child is the only heir the Night Court will have. I do not care if you do not want this child you must carry him and raise him because if you do not this entire court is doomed as are you. If he were here he would be saying the same thing.
"While you have been sulking around not giving two shits about your court Prythian has been fraying at the seams so get up. Go out there and do something about it because he would never forgive you if you let this world crumble."

To be fair it was a rather spectacular speech and it did make me get up and do something. I've sent Cassian up to the Illyrian war camps to help them recover and reform. If Maja is right it seems we are going to be needing them again soon. Azriel has sent out his shadows to each of the courts, trying to gauge just how bad the situation is and Mor has arranged to go to the Court of Nightmares tomorrow. I'm going with her. Or she's coming with me. They've been getting restless down there and I might as well try to get them on my side. Just in case.
I have yet to work up the courage to tell everyone the happy but not so happy news.

Madja works wonders on the brain, I can only hope it lasts long enough for me to actually fix myself up and convincingly pretend I'm okay.

I think this is the final part I will be publishing today. I will start writing again after homework and stuff and try and get more to you by next weekend, please do remind me and feel free to ask questions.


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