Chapter Eleven

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"Feyre you cannot fly all the way to the cabin." Cassian sounded extremely pissed off but then again he had been using that tone for the past day no matter what was happening,
"He will be there, trust me and I can't winnow while I'm pregnant so I have to fly." I sighed as I buttoned up my coat, "Cassian please, I have to know where the hell he was that he thought he could put us through that."
"At least let Mor or Az winnow you, that's allowed right? It's a good days flight and who knows how much harm that will do the baby." He made some annoyingly valid points and I nodded my head, "Mor can winnow me but she is not allowed to come with me. This is between me and him for now." Cassian half heartedly agreed to that and Mor lightly held my hand as she winnowed us to just outside the magical borders of the cabin, we turned to see smoke winding its way up the chimney and I said, "He better not be making soup." Mor raised an eyebrow at me in question but I just shook my head and started forwards, "If I somehow get a valid reason out of him then he can winnow me back, if not come back in a day." Mor nodded and began to winnow away and as she did she said, "Don't keep anything from him, I don't care how much pain it causes him I doubt it will compare to what we felt." I smiled softly and gave a slight nod of my head before I continued walking up towards the cabin.

The door was open and when I stepped inside I saw him sitting in the same chair he had sat that first time and I suddenly felt that old raging anger pouring back into me. He didn't turn his head when he asked, "What are you doing here?" His voice was flat and I could swear I heard anger in there but I managed to keep my voice vaguely calm when I replied, "I only have one question I want you to answer. Where the fuck could you have been that you can possibly condone to the past five months?" He didn't answer immediately and when he did I would have punched him if he wasn't my mate, "Feyre please let it rest, you wouldn't believe me if I told you."
"I wouldn't believe you? Is that what you think of me? You honestly believe that I wouldn't take whatever you told me and hold onto it for dear life because even if I don't understand it I have no choice but to believe it because it is an explanation for months of pain." He turned around then, his eyes sad and his wings shifting slightly, "Feyre I understand how you feel-" I laughed then and it was a harsh sound,
"You understand do you? No you do not, you will never understand. I was gone for a minute. With me you didn't think of me dead for more than a few seconds. You didn't have to put down your own grief to stop your family breaking down. You didn't have to go to the library and tell the priestess' that their High Lord was dead and then have them stop functioning before your eyes. You didn't have to see Cassian and Azriel come home shaking from wherever they'd been because of the memories. You didn't break down in a side ally because the sound of music was too much for you. You didn't have to see Nuala and Cerridwen crouching in a corner together, barely able to even stop themselves turning to smoke and I can promise you that you did not stay up every night wondering how you were meant to raise a child without their father, how you were going to explain to your son that his father decided his life wasn't good enough for this world so he sacrificed his life and left his entire court in near ruins because they had no one left to protect them." I didn't care that I saw the tears leaking down his face, "You do not get to tell me you understand when you have no idea."

He stayed silent and I could almost see the cogs of his brain turning and in all honesty it's impossible to stay mad at a person you love with your entire being, "Rhys. Please." My voice broke on the last word and I just managed to stop the tears flowing from my eyes and I realised it was the first time I'd said or even thought name since he had not quite died.

"I was stuck."
"Stuck. You were stuck for five months."
"It wasn't stuck in a cave sort of stuck it was stuck in another world sort of thing."
"In another world. You were stuck in another world." I couldn't tell if I was angry or disbelieving or relived, my entire brain was firing at a hundred miles an hour, other worlds, I knew they were real but it felt strange to hear someone say it.
"It's why the other High Lords wouldn't have been able to bring me back, my soul was quite literally tumbling through worlds and when it landed in one my body would have faded from this world and joined my soul in the other world. There was a Queen there and she said I had saved her life once which I guess is going to happen at some point in the near future." I raised an eyebrow in question, "Her world is a few decades ahead of ours and she said she had been tumbling through the worlds once and she'd seen me standing next to a heavily pregnant female and slowed her fall."
"So that's why you didn't exactly look surprised."
"I wasn't expecting you to be pregnant yet but I knew it could be a possibility."
"So this Queen helped you get back to our world to repay a debt you have yet to give." I nodded slowly, "I guess we'll find out if it's true in a few months."
"We?" I gave a slight nod of me head.
"When we get back to Velaris you are going to tell everyone the truth and then you are going to go to the library and apologise to the priestess' and then you are going to go out into Velaris and apologise to everyone you see and then you will come back home and I will catch you up on everything you have missed and then we are going to come up with an incredibly good reason to tell the other High Lords oh and you have to swear I get to name the baby and any future children." His smile was enormous and he said softly, "I think I can do that." I smiled back at him and said quietly, "To the stars that listen." His soft grin could have melted even the coldest heart and he replied, "And the dreams that are answered."

Whew this was a hard chapter to write. I hope it was okay.
I just want to make it clear that I will not even vaguely be writing any smut scene cause ngl they make me uncomfortable
The next chapter will probably be here by Monday cause I need to do some planning and stuff but I will definitely be incorporating more world crossovers and who know maybe one day in about 100 years we may even see Hunt and Bryce or maybe even Danika. You never know hehe

Thank you for all the support and wow this is the longest chapter I have written so far heh Xx

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