Chapter Fourteen

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I jolted up, gasping for air and shivering, with grief, fear or cold I did not know. In the two months since Rhys' return I had barely had any nightmares, that seemed to have changed. 

Rhys was upright and sitting next to me, rubbing my back and not saying anything, he knew well enough what had happened in my dream, or rather the moments I had been reliving. Cassian came rushing into our room, as he had done when there was no one else to comfort me but he saw Rhys there and backed out, wearing a strained smile on his face.

Relationships seemed to be improving, at least from what I could tell which was not a lot seeing as they tended to avoid each other for the most part. I couldn't figure out their feelings, not that I usually could but it felt strange for tensions to be so high in a place that used to feel safe and secure, somewhere we could all come without the feeling of being judged.

We headed downstairs together, the sun only just peeking over the horizon, to find a letter on the table. I let Rhys pick it up and read it while I collapsed onto the couch, one hand on my belly. I didn't like the look on his face as he turned to face me
"The High Lords have requested that the meeting take place sooner than expected because of rising tensions and fears among their courts and they want it to take place in one of the seasonal courts seeing as they are were the majority of the problem lies." I groaned and pushed myself up into a sitting position, 
"I don't particularly give a shit about when it happens, however I'm going to have to insist that it takes place here, I don't think anyone would find it particularly pleasant if I gave birth in a different court." My mate gave one of his half smiles and said he would write to the High Lords and  insist that the meeting take place in our palace, for the sake of the benevolent and wonderful High Lady of the Night Court. I stuck my tongue out at him and went off to paint with Zinna.

The painting sessions continued to take place once a week, sometimes more and Zinna and Mor's classes had continued as well and they only seemed to take longer each time. I decidedly didn't mention it to either of them but I am fairly sure they both recognised the facts of why I often went off on... inspiration walks. 

After painting, where I had a nice conversation with Zinna about babies who is aunt to two small kids, something very rare among Fae, I went off to watch Cassian and Nesta train, something which had started occurring recently and there was a rule I had to be there to stop Cassian from getting any ideas, something which I found highly amusing and I could tell Nesta was mortified to ask me but she had been desperate enough to crack her shell, just slightly. Elain was also there and Az was stepping her through some basic training. I could tell she was trying very hard to ignore what he looked like, shirt off and rather impressive muscles gleaming with sweat. I couldn't help but wink at her and the look she gave back at me told me enough about what she thought of it. 

Amren and Mor were busily having a drinking contest when we got back which Az, Cass and Rhys all happily joined in with. Nesta sat to the side looking like she desperatley wanted to join but couldnt bear the thought of sitting anywhere in the vicinity of Cassian while drunk and Elain sat with me, murmuring sweet nothings to my belly which both Rhys and I found highly amusing.

The High Lords reply came a week later, yes they would agree to meet at the Palace however the meeting would take place in two days. And they were all attending. Rhys sighed and set the letter down, "No escaping Tamlin or Beron it seems." I nodded and Rhys wrapped his arms around me, the only comfort he would be able to provide. I was not looking forwards to the next few days.

I'm so so sorry that I haven't been uploading these past few days, school has been taking up most of my time and I just haven't had the time, I think I will post tomorrow as well to make up for it.

Thank you so much for 1k views, it means so much to have gained so many views in such a short amount of time Xx

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