Chapter Nine

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⚠️TW⚠️ The next 2-3 chapters will contain swear words
I said we'd had no riots. I meant it until a day after I said it. Azriel came running into the lounge, checks red and eyes streaming, "A few dozen Fae from the Court of Nightmares have left and come into Velaris, they started spreading rumours about our incompetence and now we have a few hundred Fae rioting in the streets outside the House of Wind.
"Shit." Amren and Mor spoke at the same time, jumping up from where they were sitting next to the fire and by the time I stood up Cassian was already standing next to Azriel, strapping weapons onto his waist. I raised an eyebrow at him,
"What?" There was genuine confusion in his tone which worried me slightly,
"You plan to fly over to them and start killing them? I don't know if you've quite grasped the point of what they are protesting but I can assure you that many more will flood to their cause if you go in there covered in weapons." Cassian rolled his eyes but Azriel obliging threw the visible weapons he carried onto the sofa and made sure the few knives he kept hidden under his clothes were in no way visible. After a considerable pause the rest of them followed suit.

I headed for the door but Mor stopped me with a hand on my chest, "You are not going out there."
"Why not? It's not going to help out case if their High Lady never appears."
"You are pregnant."
"So? As far as I can see that's no excuse for me to hide in a ditch until it's over."
I went.

The entire street that surrounded the House of Wind was surrounded by chanting and stamping Fae, most of whom I recognised as the less charming owners of a few stores. They were red faced although I couldn't tell if it was from anger or cold. Cassian dropped me down onto a balcony that stood just above the street and then my Court of Dreams discreetly placed themselves in and around the crowd, getting themselves prepared for any conflict that could ensure.

The entire crowd fell silent when they saw me which rather surprised me, given that they were meant to be angry with me.
"I would like to apologise to all of you, to this city, to this court for not being here for you. I have been mourning the loss of my mate just as you have been mourning the loss of your High Lord but I know that is not a valid excuse.
"I have always valued honesty and I have not entirely been honest with you. The war may have been won but it is apparent that another is on the rise because of a disbelief in some of Prythians leaders. I think I speak for us all when I say that have have no wish to see a civil war come and take all that is dear to us. I understand how you all feel, I truly do, the High Lords are not all good, or kind and I know that they have sanctioned the deaths of Fae even you may know but they are powerful and they have the ability to protect their courts from the slaughter that some Fae sought after now. I know we do not have a High Lord with those powers at the moment but we will because I can assure you with my entire being that I will do everything I can to protect this court from harm until my son is old enough to take that mantle from me but I cannot do that if we are fighting amongst ourselves.
"Velaris is the City of Starlight, place of peace and prosperity and we cannot threaten the safety of our children by breaking that peace."
I was out of breath by the time I finished talking but I bowed my head and stepped back.

I'm not sure what did it, maybe the speech, maybe the bowed head that they'd only ever seen him do before but suddenly they were cheering and clapping. Azriel was suddenly at my side and he whispered in my ear, "It looks like someone just became the most popular High Lady." I glared at him,
"Az, I'm the only High Lady." He just smiled and winked before lifting me into his arms and flying us back to the town house.

Well well there is gonna be serious drama next chapter. Some of you have probably guessed what is happening, some maybe not. It will probs be out tomorrow but there's no guarantee because the drama is intense but I'll try my best.
I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and see ya'll tomorrow Xx

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