Chapter Four

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I'd forgotten how much I hate the Court of Nightmares and experiencing it alone was no fun either. I can only be glad they bowed.

It has been so long since I've had to put on the mask I wore today. The last time I was with-

Anyway, they still hadn't gotten round to finding another throne since last time so I didn't have to suffer through memories of him. Well I say that but the majestically carved throne that still sat there unchanged stirred too many memories.

The entire throne room was murmuring when I entered, about what I have no clue. Probably me. But they all shut up the second I entered, Mor striding alongside me, head held up high. I lounged on that throne for a good few hours finding it no trouble to touch the occasional male who stared too long with a whip of magic. They listened, they were respectful and yet it was easy to notice the difference between this time and the last. They all seemed more likely to lightly ignore me than they had him, Mor says I should be grateful they accepted me but I'm fairly sure they only do because they know the full extent of my magic and know it's dangerous to cross grieving females path.

No one so much spoke of him, I don't know if I'm glad of it or not. On one hand it means I didn't have to deal with it and yet it also makes me question just how much they really feared him. Something I spent the rest of the day thinking over. With no need to keep up the illusion could we really count on them to join us in this supposed war we are about to enter. It seems so stupid, we just won a war that cost us far too much but the rest of the world seems happy to start a new one a few months later. Why can't we at least have the five hundred year break they had before?

Az had little to report when we got back. Yes tensions were a little higher than usual and yes courts were building up their armies again but no he hadn't found any signs of unrest in the seasonal courts. He's still got shadows looking for anything but is staying at the town house with me. I don't think he bare the thought of losing someone else so has taken it upon himself to personally guard me. There is no word for Cassian yet.

I still have to tell them about the baby. I don't know why I'm stopping myself, Amren probably already knows, same with Nuala and Cerridwen so there's really nothing stopping me aside from my own selfishness.

Chapters are starting to get longer. Slightly. I hope you enjoyed this one, I will probably have another one out by Friday, maybe sooner. Again any suggestions or anything feel free to tell me them, my messages don't seem to work so just comment and I'll make sure to shout you out Xx

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