Chapter Five

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I told them about the baby. I didn't mean to, or want to for that matter but Amren stormed into my room in the middle of the night and almost yelled the house down shouting about unfair it was to keep it from them and that they needed something to get their spirits up, to make them keep fighting. Of course Cassian chose that time to come home and ran into my room to see what all the fuss was about. I told him to go and get Mor, Az, Nesta and Elain and wait downstairs then I may or may not have gotten slightly pissed off at Amren. She deserved it.
"What's wrong?" Mor's was high, panicked I realised, a tone I'd never heard from her.
"It's nothing. Well it's a lot but nothing bad, I don't think." I'm not sure that exactly reassured everyone but Amren subtly kicked me and I sighed, "I'm pregnant." There was a shocked silence as everyone just stared at me and then Azriel's face broke out into an enormous grin, I hadn't seen him smile, I hadn't seen any of them smile for months. Cassian was shaking and pretending he wasn't crying while Elain silently rubbed his back softly smiling, of course she knew, how could she not? Mor was still staring at me like she'd just seen a ghost and quietly said, "How long?" The entire room paused. Amren looked like she would punch Mor if they'd been somewhere else and I desperately tried to hide the hurt that the question caused me and said quietly, "Since before he died. If that's what you are implying." Mor nodded and replied, "I just had to make sure."
"You think I would do that? I would never Mor. Never. It has been three months and it wouldn't matter if it had been centuries. You think I could go out there and fall in love with someone else? He was my mate and I swear to you I will never love anyone else as much as I loved him. Not like that." My voice cracked on the last sentence and it took me a few seconds to realise tears were pouring down my cheeks. I didn't look at any of them as I left the room and walked out into the street, I had no idea where I was going but my feet guided me to the place I most wanted to be.

The Rainbow stood before me, the houses were still draped in the mourning black yet it still managed to give of a sense of warmth and safety. The images kept flooding towards me and I kept blocking them out, his arm around my shoulders, the promises he couldn't keep anymore, his face resting on my head as he breathed in the smell of my hair.

I turned away sharping, trying to break the onslaught and as I turned to walk away I felt a soft hand on my shoulder, a small, rather rotund female was smiling warmly at me and she said, "Just know if you ever need somewhere to come we'll all be here, our rooms are always open to you if you want to paint or just talk." She pressed a slip of paper into my hand, her address and nodded at me, "my name is Zinna, if you ever need anything just come by, okay?" I felt rather overwhelmed by the whole thing but nodded and thanked her before turning and walking back out into the streets. Cassian was waiting on the corner and said nothing as I hugged him, he gently kissed my head and wandered through Velaris with me for the entire night.

Well that came about quickly.
Feyre's little baby will probably arrive within the next 10-15 chapters so if any of you have suggestions for male names that would suit a Feysand kid please comment them. Asta may or may not come later but I realised that the Bonecarver did say that Feysands firstborn child would be male so I have to keep consistent with that.
Thank you for reading, I will try to get them out daily but it might be difficult because I have school and have to plan out where it is going and such Xx

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