𝚆𝚑𝚘𝚜 𝚍𝚊𝚍𝚍𝚢?

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inspired by sapnap himself


"SAPNAP STOPPP" i whined, trying to get away from the devil himself. he did a weird evil laugh, cornering me

"i- i give up! don't kill me" i had so much shit on me i know he'd beat me anyday
"who-who's daddy, y/n?" dream giggled in the background, my face went red and i started coughing. my chat was going crazy.

my hands were over my face and i was peeking over at chat. you could tell my face was red.

"who's your daddy?" my mouth fell open and i buried my face deeper in my hands.
"WOAHH" even dream was surprised. you could basically hear the smirk in sapnaps voice

"k bye guys" i quickly ended my stream and sat back, one hand over my face.
dream left the call, me and sapnap sat in silence for a minute before he spoke up again
"who is. your. daddy." his minecraft character held an axe.

and with a sigh i gave in.



if you wanna see the clip
@/blue09wastaken has it on their tiktok page:))

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