Chapter 3: You, who was a poison

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"Mom who is that?" A guy asked looking at Felix.

His eyes are burning holes on the poor Felix that immediately made him cower on the lady's side.

"Hey don't be like that." The woman said patting Felix hair as if saying its okay.

"Mom, who is that?" Chan asked again .

Felix looked at him back seeing a boy with white ears and a tail like the lady, maybe older than him seeing his more grown features.

"Oh this is Felix." She gestured Lix to come out which the cat hybrid did.

"Hi, and sorry for the intrusion." Felix greeted.

"I'm Bang Chan. Chris or whatever you want to call me." He greeted back with a smile seeing Felix was actually a cute little kitten.

"Then Channie hyung?" Chan was surprised by the younger's question.

"Okay, I'll cook now. Chan be good." Her mom said sternly which Chan just shrugged.

"Tell me if you need anything, sweetie." She said to Felix before turning her heel into the kitchen. Felix nodded.


Felix looked at Chan waiting what he was about to say.

"Do want to change cloths first? Or a bath maybe?"

The cat hybrid was embarrassed in this extent. Maybe the older realized how dirty he was.

"I-I umm okay." He mentally slapped himself for stuttering.

The older smiled.

They go to his room taking a hoodie and shorts from his closet.

Chan saw the younger admiring the black and white room they were in and he just secretly smiles at his cuteness.

"The bathroom was behind that door. I already run the hot bath for you and the cloths are in the counter." Chan said gesturing Felix to get inside.

"Um Channie."


"I don't have a towel."




To be honest I should be writing a song for my module but a chapter suddenly popped from my freakin brain so here we are...


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