Chapter 23: Welcome the new me

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"What did you say again?" Felix asks for confirmation.

"We are your parents and that's the truth."

Felix still felt so confused about... everything. Every single thing! He feels like he had been dreaming for the past whole year.

"Please tell me everything." Felix started to tear up. They nodded and started explaining things.

His mom sat beside the bed while his dad on the chair. His sister was standing beside him.

"We are poor when we had you two. Those parents that you know were not real. It was our best friends. You were supposed to be in a holiday with them then you got in an accident. You were so small and keep muttering their names as what the police says." Felix sobs.

"Then you were send into a child care and eventually ended up with your aunt and cousin. We didn't know where you are and were sorry for that." His dad started to cry sitting beside his mom.

"We tried to find you but we lost tract if you after just a day. That day when someone saw you and took you in."

"That's the last time we had some reports about you Felix."

Felix was confused about the person who took him in. "Who took me in?"

They looked at each other not wanting to tell their son the truth. He may forget that man but it was a dangerous thing to do. They know Chan was Felix's mate-to-be because of a strange bond within them. They don't want Chan for Felix and that is the reason why they took him away.

"Random people." A had truth half lie.

Felix nodded.

"Then who are you?"

"We are your family for the millionth time. We run a modeling company and your mom and me are on leave to take care of you."

His dad explains.

"Okay. Then what about Korea?"

That question made his mom look anywhere but not Felix. Which made Felix squint his eyes in suspicion.

"Mom? You know something do you?"

"W-what do you mean?" She gulped. Felix knew then. She lied, therefore he can't trust anybody.

Those words were either half truth or full lies and he didn't want to live in lies so in order to cope with it he shut himself from the world. He believes if no one will cross the boundary, he will be okay. He can't smile and laugh a lot but he was safe and free.

"No. It's nothing, nothing at all." He played along.

His sister had those eyes of sympathy looking at him and he felt so vulnerable and make a grabby hands for her. At first she panicked thinking Felix needed something and when Felix smiled at her, she opened her arms tangling her tail on his brother's arm as out if her habit.

"You still have those habit, sis." Felix giggled while whispering.

"You remember me?" She was in pure joy at the moment.

"Why would I forget my one and only sister?" Felix pulled away " that's nasty." He laughed.

"Hey Felix!" The familiar looking doctor arrived.

"Hey doc." He squints his eyes at his name tag. "Doctor Jackson." The doctor chuckles.

"Seemed like you were more cheerful now, aren't we? I'm here to tell you that you can have discharged tomorrow."

Felix smiled and looked at his sister once again.

"Thank you." Felix said bowing slightly.

Jackson bowed and the family mirrored it, waving goodbye and closing the door.

The next day was hella busy for Felix and adjusting to the world happened so quickly. He got intrigued by the clothes and cameras around every corner of the building making him wonder what kind of company his family had.

"Sis?" Felix clings into his sister while the lady hummed.

"What's the name of our family's company?"

"Yellowwood Fashions." Felix stopped his tracks.

"You mean that one?" He pointed the news about the said company and dazling models they had.

Olivia chuckles proudly and said yes.

"Yeah Lix. That's ours and I'm also one of the models."

"Of course you are." Felix said rolling his eyes as they laugh.

'that explains why she had such a familiar and comfortable aura.' he thought.

"Mom and Dad." They stopped their tracks and Olivia came back with an ice cream on her hands.

"Yeah?" She handed Lix the chocolate one.

"Did they really tried to find and me?" Olivia became silent and hugged his brother.

"I hate to say this but I was envious to you at those times. I was the one with them but they keep finding you everywhere. Hey didn't stop finding you and me, I became a model on my own and they still didn't care." Felix immediately felt bad for asking.

"I'm sorry." Felix said looking at her eyes. "Don't be like that. You were pretty and being a model suited you. Don't worry someday I will be in a runway with you. I promise." Felix giggled and Olivia kissed the tip on his nose just like they were kids.

Felix did the same, they didn't care if people think the wrong way, it's not their business anyway.

"Welcome back Felix." Olivia said. She truly felt happy for his brother who vanished came back alive and well, though he still have amnesia. It was not a problem, as long they have each other, everything will be fine.

"Yeah. I'm back, sis."

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