Chapter 22: Where do i belong??

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Felix woke up with a banging headache. He is still in the hospital and the people he didn't even know that keep insisting he was their son and the lady who gave him water was his sister.

He thinks he was alone even though people are surrounding him. He tried to remember but nothing just come to mind after that incident yesterday.

Felix POV.

I wanna know everything. I'm scared. And I know I speak English but in a weird way, I remember I don't live in English speaking country.

Last night I dreamed of a man standing on the side walk with tears prickled on his face. Also his face was so blurry after I woke up giving me more confusions.


A man called me. He was a cat hybrid like me but an alpha. He was quite intimidating actually.

"Y-yeah?" I stuttered.

"Lix. It's me your dad, Here." He pointed the middle aged lady across me. "Is your mom. This is Olivia your sister." He said.

I didn't move a single since I felt like I did, I will really go insane. I can't handle it all, maybe not for now. I need him. I want to see him, I wanna say I like him. I want to feel his warmth around my arms and warm words coming out from his soft lips.

"Who is he?" I accidentally asked out loud.

"Who might you be asking?" The lady said.

"Nothing." I mumbled.

"Where are we?"I ask.

"Canada." I looked at him in surprise. I know I don't live here. Who are they?

"Why am i here?" I asked again. This time I'm on venge of crying out of frustration.

"We live here Lix."

"We?" I confirmed.

"Yes we." A man soften up a bit looking to be and the lady tried to caress my hand but I took it away feeling uncomfortable.

"Can I be alone? I don't really think I want you to see me broke down any minute." I began to tear up.

Instead of going away as closing the door, the pretty lady come to me and hugged me tight. I didn't hug back and tried to get out of her grip. I felt so sad and didn't know why.

"Can you please go away just a moment." I ask again.

This time they nodded and closed the door. I didn't hold my tears any longer and just curled up with the pillows and soft blanket.

"Ch-chan?"  I sobs.

I don't know what am I spewing about but a name come out of my mouth as if it was normal. Just maybe, Did I have amnesia? Why though? What happened to me??

"Hyung I'm scared." I mumbled again.

I feel upset not because I cannot remember but because my heart remembers and I felt terribly bad about it. It tugs my strings tearing me slowly drawing blood, coming out from my eyes as tears.

"Who am I? Where am I? Who are you Chan hyung?" I asks myself.

I felt like crying for hours and fell asleep.

It was peaceful.

I was walking down the alley and a cafe was downtown. I go there and an oddly familiar man was inside working there. I smiled at him and he mirrored it. Then there's this guy again. The man with the foggy night I dreamed about.

Who are you?

He was sitting looking at the mirror outside. He look so lonely and is crying mumbling to himself.

What are you saying?

"I miss you. Please come back to me." His words struck to me like spears restricting me to breath properly because it was too painful, I felt like dying.



I opened my eyes seeing a three familiar panicked faces beside me and a doctor.

"Doctor. I wanna talk to you." I said more like a demand.

"Oh... okay." He answered.

I looked around and him again.


"But Lix-"

"Please, the patient is probably confused to all situations you just punched in his mind and needed a guide to them. Please respect his decision and I will take care of him. I promise." He was surprisingly nice and... so formal. He is so cool.

The others now are out and Felix sit up straight looking at the doctor.

"Doc, I just wanna confirm things."

He nodded. "Go on."

They talked in English obviously.

"Who am I? Where am I? What is the date? What happened to me?" I asks simultaneously.

"You are Felix Lee. Those people outside were your parents and older sister. You were in a coma for a year now. And." He looked hesitant.

"What is it?" I asked.

"You originally not from here. Those people will eventually tell you more. Maybe it will be inappropriate for me to tell you. It's your personal matters anyway."

I was so confused. Then that "yesterday" was a year long of an accident?

I was in a coma? Is that why I don't remember things?

I felt so confused and frustrated right now.

"Thanks doc. And please don't tell them I was in this state. I don't want them to panic more because of me." I looked down and I hear a sigh.

"Yeah I won't. Take care of yourself Felix. If anything happens call me. And I'll tell you something, you used to  lived in Korea."

That made Felix heart beat faster. He felt happy that's why the name Chan was not an English language one but a Korean. He lived in Korea not Canada. But why am I in here anyway?"

"Oh... okay" I said and he walk out waving to be.


A double update? Hmm I think's currently 11:40pm and I don't know what happens to me I just want to right HAHAHAHHAHAHA

There you go an update after one.


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