Chapter 25: End of our beginnings (ENDING)

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Jisung and Minho was out of the picture and the two didn't even notice, they were too busy in their own little world.

"Yeah?" He asks.

Felix didn't remember anything about the older but strange enough for Felix to feel extremely guilty and sad. His heart was torn apart seeing the older cry.

Chan run towards the younger and hug him tightly and sob on his neck muttering sorry's.

"Why are you sorry?" Felix ask genuinely curious.

"For everything." Chan answered.

"I don't know you are talking about. And I'm here to attend the party with Jisung and Minho hyung." He said pulling away.

Chan's bloodshot eyes made Felix wipe his tears away.

"Don't cry, you're killing me." Felix said.

"Do you remember me?"

Felix shook his head making Chan sob more.

"I remember everything except you. I don't know why but seeing you cry like this makes me want to comfort you." Felix said hugging the older.

"It's okay now. Though I cannot remember." Felix giggled.

"I'm sorry."

Felix frowned. "I said stop being sorry. It's NOT your fault." Felix cupped his face and wash away his tears with his tiny thumbs.

"Will you stay with me?" Chan ask.

"I don't know."

Chan get Felix's both hands and hold it tight.

"You are, and I will not let go this time."

Felix tilted his head, ears down which Chan find so adorable.

"You're still a baby." Felix pouted.

Felix cannot remember, because his memories were in front of his eyes. Chan is Felix's memories. The person he missed, he loved, and his other half.

Their story didn't even start and it was already finished. It was their tragedy.

Their story to make, a story they will put in their memories, this time they will remember and live their lives together in each other's warmth.

"I don't need to remember." Felix started. "Because that memory was never lost. And it's you, right in front of my eyes." Felix bring their face together and their noses collide.

"Our story isn't over yet. It just got started." He added and pulled away.

They sit on the couch and right after they sat, Olivia arrive with foods in her arms.

"Hey Lix." She greets Felix and the hybrid smiled at her making Chan, well maybe jealous...

"And Chan and everyone. I brought foods since Felix didn't bother to bring anything." Felix rolled his eyes and they giggled after.

Felix looked at Chan and his eyes just shouts "who is that?" Making him laugh.

"why are you laughing?" Chan asks.

"Don't be like that. She's my older sister." Chan's eyes widen and closed his eyes in embarrassment.

"I'm the older sister of that little guy and where is your kitchen?"

Olivia shrugged it off and get into the kitchen preparing the foods after Chan pointed it out.

"Sorry I forgot about you." Felix apologizes caressing Chan's back of hand with his little ones.

"It's alright. As long as you stay we can have as much memories that you lost. And this time more fun than the last."

Felix smiled.

"Promise me something." Felix said.

"...and what is it?"

"That you'll wait for me."

Chan kissed the tip of his nose.

"I'm willing to wait centuries for my Lixie to come back to me."

And they lived striving to their dreams, Felix had his own company now and Chan had his own entertainment company too. Of course the 3racha are co-owners. Felix's modeling company and Chan's is now a collaboratives which also means they will be together 24/7.

It really are all good now.



So they you go....the story had come to an end...thank your for reading this story...I appreciate it a lot.


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