Vsoo #1 - Long time no see

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Author Pov:

Jisoo is a 18 year old girl who lives in seoul but is orignally from Daegu. Her parents own a huge dior headquaters in seoul which explains her love for the brand. Not only is she the heir of Dior but also a quite famous model. 

JIsoo moved to seoul after her best friend Kim Taehyung moved to the states with his family for some family buisness. Which left the lad in being heart broken.


Taehyung and Jisoo the two 7 year olds were sitting beneath a tree, Their tree and crying. "Jichu-ya please don't cry. You know I wouldn't ever leave you if it wasn't this important and nesscary." Taehyung said trying to comfort his friend who was litterally bawling her eyes out. "B-but T-Taetae you promised m-me t-thatyou w-would never leave me no m-matter what... And n-now you f-forgot your promise and y-you are l-leaving me f-forever..." The younger lad said trying to reason with her bestfriend.but she knew even though taehyung was only a few months older to Jisoo, he was quite mature.

 This side of Jisoo was vulnerable and was a rare sight for anyone who knew her well. Jisoo who was 7 years old but was known for being the strong and most cheerful girl in probably the whole of Daegu. Taehyung's heart broke seeing his best friend who he's know for his whole life now... like this but as mentioned earlier he was a mature and witty. He knew one thing would definetely work to help her from stop crying. "Chu-ya wait here I will come back like a storm." he said which caused Jisoo to giggle seeing how cute her cr- best friend is...

Taehyung was standing behing another tree and ordered Jisoo to close her eyes. Jisoo being obedient did as he said. He walked towrds jisoo and kneeled down. He asked Jisoo to open her eyes. Jisoo screeched in happiness and hugged Taehyung immediately. "TAETAE THWANK YOU SWO MWUCH!!" She  said with Chicken stuffed in her mouth. Taehyung laughed at his crush's and bestfriend's cuteness. But he was still quiteupset about the fact that he might never see her again or at least for a very long time.


Jisoo's Pov:

I was walking down our company's corridor after wrapping up from my photoshoot. I was going  to meet Jennie, Kim Jennie my best friend for group study as our tests were approching. I asked my dad to cancel my upcoming photoshoots as I had to study for my tests. I quickly Ran down the aisle as I saw a message on my phone.


Freak! I am screwed cant get my beautiful face beaten up like Lali!! JISOO YOU BETTER RUN RUN RUN!!

A/N: See what I did there!! My 4D wanted  me to put that there so I did !! KEKE Anyways back to the story!! -->

As I was about to take the Lif to our canteen I heard a voice call out "Jichu?" That voice... No way but there is only one person with a deep husky voice like him...

I turned around to see the source of the voice. "T-Taehyung?" I said and internally slapped myself for being a fool and stuttering in frontof my long best friend and crush. That day when Taehyung left for the states we were still in touch and we were still in touch all these years. My heart nearly stopped as I saw him in front of my after probably 11 years its not like we didn't FaceTime each other but seeing him now... Gosh that build up JISOO PULL YOURSELF TOGETHER!!

Taehyung's Pov:

"T-Taehyung?" Ugh How do I express this momment?? I was waiting for 11 FREAKING YEARS to hear my name from her beautiful voice. Not only that she looked etheral as if I was actually witnessing a live goddess right in front of me!! I scanned her facial features and damn I lost it when my eyes landed on her lips... AISH TAEHYUNG YOU MEET YOUR BESTFRIEND/CRUSH AND THIS IS WHAT YOU THINK?! PULL YOURSELF TOGETHER KIM TAEHYUNG!! 

My heart nearly stopped beating when she was running towards me with her signature heart-shaped smile. Ahhh that smile is just a killer itis good enough to kill a whole army of soldiers in a war. She came and hugged me so tightly and I hugged her back and slowly carresed her hair "I missed you so much TaeTae" she whispered in her husky and raspy voice which sent shivers down my spine!! "I missed you too chi-chu!!" I said with a smile on my face!! we were talking when a girl with cat-like eyes started stomping down the corridor when she was stopped in her tarcks as she saw me and Jisoo hugging. For some reason her cat-eyes  reminded me of Yoongi Hyung!!

Jisoo POV:

"JIS--" I heard a familiar voice and turned back to see who the owner was and FREAK!! "It's not what it looks like Jennie." I said trying to defend myself and the teasing when she will tell this to Lali an chaeng!! Lisa and Chaeyoung are my other two best friends with Jenni and Irene Eonni. Irene eonni is my cousin Kim Seokjin's Girlfriend. "OMO JISOO UNNIE HAS A BOYFIEY!! AHH WHERE IS MY PHONE GOTTA TEXT LALI AND CHAENG!!" She said as she ran down the aisle like a baby which left me and Taehyung totally flustered.

I chased behind her and bid my goodbye from taehyung I told him to meet me someday !! I was overwhelemed by seeing him here he also said that he is in the same colleage  as me !! EEEEKKKK Okay better find that girl now!!

Few minutes later at the dior canteen:

Jisoo POV:

I explained Jennie everything including that taehyung was my crush since childhood thats why I never dated anyone I mean even if I would try to hide it she would know it anyway so better let out the truth!! "OKAY SO TAESOO I SHIP IT!!" She yelled earning 'shhhhhhhs' from all over the canteen!! "SHUT UP!!" I said covering my face so that she couldn't see the obvious blush on my face. "Awww unnie ur blushing." She said Making my face even more red. I swear I was a tomato. "Don't pretend thatyou dontbecom like this in front of YOOONGGIIII OPPAAA~~" I said in a sing song voice. Jennie was red fully red. After talking we finally left for my house to study!!

A few months later:

Taehyung POV:

Its been a few months since I started hanging out with Jisoo and I know that I am in love with her! I can't keep it in anymore so today I am gonna be confessing today. I am dying by the thought that she might reject me.. I am currently at the mall where I called her to hangout. I was waiting for her in a cafe. As I saw her coming in my haert beat fastened. We ordered food and coffee when I decided to do it NOW!! "J-Jisoo.." she hummed in response "I don't know how to say t-this but I-I like you J-Jisoo!! I have always liked you. your personality. your laugh. your craze over chicken and just every small thing about you. B-but if you dont like me back... its perfectly fine.." just when I finished I looked at her she was about to cry. "T-tae I like you scratch that I love you since the start!!" when she said those  words I heard like a melody a beautiful song in the background I was so happy!!! 

"Kim Jisoo, will you be my girlfriend?" I asked hoping for a yes

"Of course you Pabo!!" She said as I pulled her in for a kiss.


HEY Y'ALL THAT WAS THE FIRST CHAPTER!! Please tell me how you thought about this!!


Staytuned for the next chapters. probably tomorow or day after!!

Word count: 1356

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