Chapter 1 - Welcome to my World

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"Hey, watch it, cat!" A rude buffalo driver shouted at me as I was walking by. Wow buddy, the light was red, so I had the right to cross while you stopped. Or is there a new law that forbids carnivores to use the crosswalk? Either way, I flipped the bird at the driver, and his face burrowed in his own anger. Not that he couldn't do anything. Animals with horns have quite the temper.

I crossed the road and started walking on the sidewalk, where many different types of human-animal hybrids minded their own business. Everyone usually calls or sees each other as the animal part, forgetting that we're also part human. Carnivore, herbivore, and omnivore is the only way we define each other's races now. While racism was a thing of the past, we all face a new problem: speciesism. And herbivores are on top while carnivores are down below.

The laws are as followed:

1. No carnivore shall take leadership in anything, whether it be a country or a company.

2. Omnivores can only lead as far as a company, but anything further is forbidden.

3. If a carnivore attacks a herbivore, a death sentence is necessary.

4. If a carnivore attacks another carnivore or an omnivore, it is the jury's choice on the carnivore's punishment.

5. If a herbivore or an omnivore attacks a carnivore, an omnivore, or a herbivore, it is the jury's choice on the herbivore's or omnivore's punishment.

6. Full humans are forbidden; everyone must be part animal.

7. Only animals of the same species are allowed to date, marry and breed.

8. Carnivores and herbivores are not to be out alone together at any time of day.

9. If a human-animal goes feral, they must be euthanized.

10. Keeping a human-animal as a pet is illegal.

11. If one buys or grows food that isn't of their appetite, they will be charged.

12. If one refuses to accept any of these laws, they will face a death sentence.

To make it short, the laws mainly abuse carnivores. Carnivores get executed if they attack or attempt to attack an herbivore, but it's the jury's decision if a carnivore attacks another carnivore or an omnivore. Carnivores are almost never allowed to hang out with a herbivore, or go out at night. There are few laws I agree with, such as the no inbreeding law, but a majority of them are complete blasphemy. Herbivores (and somewhat of omnivores) roam freely while carnivores have to have eyes on the back of their heads. 

But I'd rather not live in a world like that. Me, I'm your average house cat girl, one of the common animal hybrids. Species of dogs and cats are the most popular since the world before had a ginormous amount of those animals. Unfortunately, I didn't get the strength of a tiger, or the stealth of a cougar. The only unique traits I have are flexibility and soft fur, but every cat has those traits. And the ability to not give a fuck, if you want to count that as well.

Oh, and everyone acts like how their animal side usually does. For example, bull-human hybrids have short tempers, dog-human hybrids are loyal, and hyena-human hybrids still laugh when they're really anxious. Don't ask me how I know that last one. 

A giraffe to my right left out a sharp laugh. She was sitting with a deer, drinking coffee in front of a cafe. 

I should also mention that not all of your inherited animal traits are what they might appear as. If your animal happens to have a strange feature, such as a long neck, you won't inherit that. Instead, you will be a tall person. No matter the animal, we all have tails and sometimes ears on our heads. And traits. Traits are what make us the most unique. 

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