Chapter 13 - Welcome Back to My Trailer

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Not long after we entered and closed the door, I collapsed onto the couch. Rubbing against it, I never knew how much I missed this tattered old thing. Scarlet's felt stiff and too clean, but the worn out and pushed down comforts on my couch made my back rest easier. I rolled around on it, knocking the piles of my clothes onto the ground.

"Do all felines behave that way," asked Axel, staring at me. "Also, we have to do something about this mess. I thought Scarlet's complex was bad."

"Yes," I growled, waving my tail. "And we can leave the mess alone. You see, you don't want to leave behind too much evidence as to someone was here. Well, they'll know anyway, but they can't know that it was us. Homeless people are what should come to mind first. So kid, you're gonna have to get used to this mess if you want to stay with me. And besides, it was messy when you first ran in here anyway, but you still stuck around. Same with Scarlet. Seems like you're getting into us hoarders." Axel scowled, but said nothing more.

He wandered around the trailer, trying his best to step over the piles on the floor. He didn't touch anything, but instead, glanced or stared at everything that was left alone. Every now and then, he asked a question regarding my living habits. I answered truthfully, but there was one that jabbed me in the chest.

"You don't seem to eat very healthy. Why is that?"

"Have you seen- oh no, you wouldn't know. Well, prices on food, especially for carnivores, are expensive as hell. Hardly anyone sacrifices their body to sell as meat, so those are the most expensive. The only meats stores seem to have in quantity are fish and birds, but even those are sold out fast and cost a pretty penny. Black markets do exist, but even those are pricey, and not to mention illegal because ninety percent of the meats there are from murders. So, I buy cheap food and save up on money. Though I don't eat most the time. Eating at Scarlet's was the most I've eaten the past few years." I rubbed my stomach, thinking back to all the good foods I ate. 

"But you have a lot of money, don't you? From your criminal activities."

My ears pressed against my head. I sat up, saying, "Shut it." I turned on the TV before Axel could say any more.

Immediately the news flashed on. A female deer sat at the table rambling on about what was on a green screen behind her. My ears perked up when I read the title. "Ham scams." I instantly thought back to the last house I broke into, the one with the rabbits eating the ham. And, to my surprise, the doe was talking about exactly that.

"...bags of ham were found in their refrigerator and freezer last night," said the doe. "Police escorted the two parents, James Parler and Rachel Parler, into custody for now. Their child, Susan Parler, is held separately. The arrests were made soon after police entered the home and questioned the family, that of which James grew violent and Rachel and Susan tried to deny everything. Not much is known as this point, but police are starting to speculate there are more herbivores eating meat behind the law. It is unknown how they are obtaining the meats, or why they are doing this. Tom, back to you." The screen flashed to a male dog breed, who began talking about a shooting that happened on the other side of town.

I sunk into the couch, wondering if all these herbivores eating meat are going to affect my job. I once knew a carnivore that tried to switch to a vegan diet, who was close to Jet. He went insane; getting sick every second of the day and having mood swings every time he talked. Shit was like drugs to him, once he tried it he couldn't stop. Claimed it was healthier and flushed his body of all the bad nutrients, but really it was because he was throwing up so much. But I felt bad for him, for he wanted so badly to be fully human. He was a male hyena, and always lived a bad life due to his chronic back pain and social status. Unfortunately, he died before me and Jet could convince him to return to a carnivorous diet. Jet didn't seem too surprised, but not too sad either. I said nothing, and we went on with our lives as if he never existed. That was years ago, back when I first started. Looking back, it felt like yesterday when I saw him. If only I could remember his name.

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