Chapter 10 - Welcome to the Fear I Feel

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Originally posted: Apr 12, 2021

Instantly, my heart dropped to my feet. Fear rushed throughout my body like a giant tidal wave. I looked at Axel, who was clearly showing fear as big as Scarlet and I. The three of us stared at each other, eyes widened with no sound but our rapid breathing. How did they find out where I was at? Was it because I went out into public the other day, and I was already wanted? No, I'm sure the police would've tracked me down that day. Perhaps someone has seen or heard Axel? But that would be impossible, for all the windows were closed off because Axel was paranoid, and we're too quiet for anyone to hear us anywhere else. But how? How did the government find out our location?

"You have to hide," said Scarlet, still breathing rapidly. "Hide, so they can't find you and take you away."

"But where do we go," asked Axel, his voice shaking. We were all silent again, for none of us knew the answer. There were many places to hide since Scarlet had a messy living style, but this is the government that's after us. They have every right to tear the apartment apart, and no one can say anything. Hiding here is a bad idea, but there's no time to escape and hide somewhere else.

"Is there anyone willing to help us," I desperately asked.

"Yes," sighed Scarlet, "but that won't do any good. They're going to question everyone and search their complexes. Even if they're not home, they're going to search their complex anyway. That's how serious they are in finding Axel. I've overheard them talking while I was walking in. They're not going to stop at anything to find you two, I'm sure of it."

"We're wasting time." Axel hurriedly pushed past Scarlet and ran out into the hallway. He stopped in the middle and frantically searched around.

"Dammit, being out in the open is the most stupidest thing to do right now." I followed after him and grabbed his arm to pull him back inside.

"The roof."


"We can escape onto the roof. Then we can climb down on the other side and make a break for it. You're a criminal, aren't you? Then you should have the skills and items to make an escape. We'll leave Scarlet here, and once they're all gone, we can come back and pretend nothing ever happened." Axel never looked at me when he said this. Instead, his eyes were on a door to our left, with a sign on it saying "Rooftop entrance." Not going to lie, but Axel's plan didn't sound bad at all.

"I hate it when people are smarter than me," I mumbled, letting go of Axel's arm. "Hold up, we have some things we need to grab before we go." Axel started to protest about how little time we have, but I paid him no mind. I grabbed my phone and told Scarlet, "Once you're sure everyone government related is gone, text me and we'll head back." She nodded, her tail still bushy. I then grabbed Axel's fake tail, and a bag in my room that contained climbing materials. Running out the door, I wished Scarlet good luck and headed toward the rooftop door. Keeping my head low, I whispered to Axel, "Keep your head down, and your voice low. Cameras." He lowered his head and refused to say another word.

The rooftop door was a little hard to open, but with a good yank it loudly opened. Hoping no one heard it, the two of us swiftly climbed the pair of stairs that appeared before us after closing the door. The flight of stairs did not drag on for long, for we were on top of the roof after climbing a small amount of steps. From up here, the sun shone above us brightly, and the tops and mid sections of buildings were all around us. Curious, I leaned over and looked down at the main road, where lots of black cars were piled up in front of the apartment building. Seems like Scarlet wasn't lying after all, but then again, she never lied to me.

"Let's go," whined Axel, applying his tail. "They'll be here any minute. I don't want to go back. Anywhere but there... please." Tears started to form in his eyes. My ears drooped, but Axel was right about his impatience. Now was not the time to gawk and stand around, worrying.

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