Go Down With a Bang

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"You fucking loser!" Bakugo yelled, leaning as much as he could to his side to emphasize his anger.

"Stop yelling!" Midoriya yelled back, leaning away from Bakugo as the two sat strapped up next to each other, "You're not in any better predicament, if you can't tell!"

"Oh shut up!" Bakugo retorted, gritting his teeth as he tried to make explosions appear from his restraints. Smoke sizzled out of the holes of his metallic binding block around his hand, and Midoriya clicked his tongue.

"That's what I've been trying to tell you to do all this time!"

"Fucking, smart-assing me now?!"

"Goddammit, out of all people, why do you two have to be the most incompatible? Be quiet, you're giving me a migraine." Tomura snarled, taking the hand-mask off his face. Midoriya pursed his lips, glaring back at Tomura half-heartedly.

He was going to be murdered after this, if he wasn't going to be now. God, Tomura must be even angrier than he was showing right now.

"Alright, fucking...what's your name?" Tomura snarled at him. Midoriya scowled, but the pursing of his lips gave away his true worry.

"I don't feel like telling you." Midoriya snapped. Tomura quirked an eyebrow and glared at him in annoyance.

"What a brat." He snarled. "This was a bad idea after all. Fucking, unbelievable..."

"Tomura," Kurogiri called out. Tomura turned towards the bar and glared at Kurogiri, who was standing calmly as he once again began to clarify the situation, "we can't do that. We've gone this far—don't you think you have a chance?"

"Well, this victorious idiot clearly doesn't seem the privileged side here." Tomura stated with a sigh, turning towards Bakugo, "neither do you, as a matter of fact, mr. first place for everything but what actually mattered in the sports festival." Midoriya grit his teeth. He was getting on his nerves, and suddenly, he didn't feel half as guilty about being caught and giving Tomura a harder time.

He glanced at the bar, where the bottles were standing. A pretty good weapon.

"We are the winning side. We are the ones that have a bright future ahead of us. And I'm ready to give you a chance at that bright future." Tomura walked towards them, his hands gesturing widely, "you'd be a fool not to accept it. You're not a fan of losing, aren't you?"

"I'm not gonna do shit for people who bind me up like this. You seriously expect me to agree on anything like this?" Bakugo snarled, seeming annoyed but calmer. Midoriya pursed his lips as he stared at him questioningly. Seriously? What was he doing?

"You think we're just gonna let you go?" Tomura questioned with a scoff. Bakugo quirked his brow in return.

"And you seriously think I'm gonna accept the offer when I'm clearly being treated like shit? Come on, give me a break." The two went quiet, glaring at each other, and Midoriya let out a long sihg.

"Hey, if you're gonna let me go, I don't mind joining. It's not that big of a bother if no one finds out, right?" Midoriya stated, shrugging as he scanned the villains. What an interesting crew. All freaks, clearly—Tomura didn't have a good taste, and it clearly showed.

"Should I be impressed by your lack of acting skills or by your pure stupidity?" Compress questioned, shaking his head to himself.

"Hey, I don't think he's lying! I mean, look at him! He's got such a cute, innocent face!" A man in a black and gray costume on all his body, including his face, exclaimed. The scar-faced man clicked his tongue as Midoriya began to protest.

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