A God

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When Midoriya came to the bar again, it was chaotic.

The flame villain, Dabi, had been knocked out. Branches wrapped around all the League, restraining them, causing them to gasp for air from the tight constriction of the hero's quirk.

"...I'm telling you to get out! It's not safe here!" Midoriya heard just as he jumped into the bar through the hole in the wall. The man using his quirk, Kamui Woods Midoriya recognized, was glaring and yelling at Bakugo who seemed even more frustrated than the hero. Unrightfully so, Midoriya couldn't help but think.

"Tell me the situation! I can help!" Bakugo yelled at Kamui Woods. The pro hero, clearly not in the slightest happy to be greeted by an arrogant teenager's yelling, turned his head towards the villains to put his focus onto something more important. "I'm not just going to sit back and do nothing!"

"We took care of the League!" Kamui Woods explained, agitated and exasperated, "The Nomu are being taken care of as we speak. There's nothing for you to do but to go call your parents or teacher and tell them to pick you up."

"Young Bakugo, we can no longer let you stay here! It's dangerous, and the best aid you can give us is to get to safety." All Might attempted to reassure Bakugo, stepping towards him and leaning down slightly, pressing his heavy hand against his shoulder. "The police can escort you and get you into safety. You were brave, and we heavily appreciate your courage, but there's nothing left for you to do here."

"Fucking...!" Bakugo was about to yell something unnecessary, and All Might retreated with a slightly perturbed look on his face. Midoriya took that as cue to step in, which he did, feeling even more pissed off at the blond and his sudden hero complex.

"Calm down! I told you there's nothing to do here!" Midoriya snapped, grabbing the blond by the shoulder and trying to yank him back. Bakugo quickly escaped his hold, taking a step to the side to get away from his classmate as Midoriya pursed his lips unnervingly.

"Don't tell me what to do!" Bakugo snarled, small explosions cackling on his palm as he faced Midoriya. Midoriya opened his mouth to snap a retort, but he was interrupted by Tomura starting to laugh, his head leaning backwards onto the branch wrapped around him.

"What are you laughing at?" Kamui Woods, immediately wary, tightened his quirk's grip. Tomura kept on laughing, slowly raising his head to look at the hero.

"Oh, we're far from done here." He hissed, smirking at the heroes triumphantly. "Watch."

"Stay sharp!" All Might snapped to the other heroes. He would never underestimate such confidence, especially as he began to realize who was the one behind the curtains of the League.

But staying sharp and wary did nothing for them, and all they could do was watch helplessly. What happened next was disgusting, but impossible to ignore, and impossible to anyhow prevent.

Gray goo forced its way out from Tomura's mouth, wrapping around him and proceeding to cover up his entire being, the branch doing nothing to stop the substance. Kamui Woods attempted to tighten his grip, but the body turned to gush in mere seconds, the hero's hold slipping. The rest of the villains followed soon after, leaving empty spaces in the places in their restraints.

Midoriya's eyes widened and he snapped his head towards Bakugo as the male burped shortly, doubling over and cupping his mouth. He knew what was going to come as recognition and ongrowing panic morphed onto Bakugo's face, but what made it worse was the realization that neither he nor Midoriya could do anything about it.

The goo forced its way out of Bakugo's as he shuddered, wrapping around him in seconds. All Might sprinted towards him, but just as he touched him, the goo dissolved his body. Midoriya shut his eyes tightly as he gagged, and All Might snapped his head towards him as Midoriya felt something rise up his throat. He just barely had time to feel All Might's hand grabbing his shoulder before his mouth was forced open by the goo, and it enveloped him in seconds, surrounding him in darkness.

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