Deika City

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Midoriya finally got to Deika at around eleven at night, and the whole city was overcome with sleeping quiet. A few heroes patrolled here and there, but they didn't spare him much of a glance, just as Midoriya had hoped. Midoriya was a little confused by the unfamiliar territory, and the more he walked, the more he realized he didn't really think certain factors through.

Sure, maybe he had enough cash for an overnight stay in a hostel or something of that sort, but did he want to waste it? Midoriya might stay there for all his break days, or he might leave tomorrow, he himself wasn't sure. What Midoriya was certain of, though, was that he couldn't afford to waste his money without making sure he'd have enough to last.

That's how he ended up settling in a small, twenty four hour working café, ordering himself a cappuccino and hoping it would do something for him whilst staring at his phone. The waitress was surprisingly polite at the late hour, and although she didn't exactly initiate conversation, they did have a small talk.

"You look quite foreign." The woman admitted, smiling at him politely. "I'm sorry to assume, but you're not from around here, are you?"

"Yeah, I came from Musutafu actually." Midoriya admitted, smiling back at her. "I wasn't exactly too prepared when I came, though. I wouldn't be sitting here otherwise."

"Yeah, I don't typically get customers at this hour, if you know what I mean." The waitress chuckled sheepishly, shaking her head to herself. Midoriya smiled at her nervously.

"Yeah, sorry about the bother. I might have to stay here for a little while, though." Midoriya admitted with a sheepish smile. The waitress simply waved him off and smiled reassuringly.

"No worries! Call me if you need anything." The waitress simply responded, and with that, she left.

Three hours had passed since that encounter. It was already two in the morning, and Midoriya couldn't resist just putting down his phone and zoning out while staring at the ceiling.

To his surprise, the door opened, the bell ringing to signal there was a new customer, and a man entered the café. He sat not too far away from Midoriya, and Midoriya did his best to act nonchalant as he sat straighter and picked up his phone, not wanting to look like a visiting beggar and draw too much attention.

The waitress walked over to him, the two speaking to each other quietly, and Midoriya decided not to bother listening to whatever order the man made. A minute later, the woman walked away, and Midoriya and the man remained alone in the area.

A few minutes passed before the waitress came back with what Midoriya could assume from the distance was a muffin, and the two talked shortly once again before the waitress left.

To Midoriya's surprise, though, the man stood up and walked over to him, sitting across from him nonchalantly. Midoriya gaped at him for a few seconds, taken aback by the random act.

"Uh hello." Midoriya greeted, pulling a smile on his face. "Well this is a little unexpected."

"I'm sorry to intrude, but I can't help but wonder about something." The man, without much of a greeting, began to speak. "You're a student from UA, aren't I right? You were at the sports festival. A hero course student."

"I suppose that would be me." Midoriya nodded subtly, scanning the man's features for any hints as to where the conversation was going. "I'm surprised you recognize me."

"Your green hair is memorable, I must admit." The man shrugged, unwrapping his muffin. "Although, there is another thing that interests me more about you."

"Huh?" Midoriya waited for him to interpret, and the man set down the wrapper of the muffin as he held the food in his hand, examining it before looking back up at Midoriya.

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