The Girl

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The day of his second internship finally came, and although Midoriya wished he could be as excited as his classmates had been...he was not.

Although Togata took the lead with most of the explaining, Sir Nighteye seemed very reluctant, even more than he had been on the first day. It was almost like he seemed to be watching him with caution, and Midoriya couldn't understand where this was coming from.

He understood his classmate's concerns, but this? This was plain stupidity. Did he dislike him? What led to that? He wasn't sure, but he didn't like it. He was thankful for the constant distracting questioning and support Togata gave, as well as how confused Togata seemed about Nighteye's reaction, but the gnawing thought remained in the back of his mind at all times.

"Alright, we got an hour more to go, and then we can go have a lunch break!" Togata announced as he checked his watch under his sleeve, snapping Midoriya out of thought. "How does that sound? Any favorite places around here?"

"That sounds great." Midoriya answered with a smile. "You can choose. I haven't been around here before."

"Alright! I'm a fan of ramen, so you're going to have to bear with me, alright?" Midoriya smiled and nodded in reassurance, and the two kept on going along their patrol route, Togata waving at passing by children who seemed intrigued with the heroes.

But then, Midoriya felt something hit his side, stumbling before quickly swirling around and catching the child who'd crashed into him.

He was about to ask if the girl was okay, if she hurt herself, and then let her go to her parents, but he couldn't. That would've been what he'd do if it was my other child, but the moment his eyes landed on her, he realized she wasn't.

That's the moment when his internship went downhill and he met the greatest enemy that the agency told him to beware.

Kai Chisaki. The young Yakuza leader long since held under suspicion for his mischievous deeds.

"Now, now, Eri. Come back here. We wouldn't want to cause trouble for the heroes, wouldn't we?"

The small girl, wrapped in bandages and wearing a tattered, tainted with dust and age dress, shook in Midoriya's grasp and clutched onto him for dear life. Midoriya sensed her fear but gave no other sign other than a firm hold of reassurance. Togata took the lead, buying the two some time.

Togata and Chisaki talked with each other, the air clearly thick with tension as Togata distracted Chisaki and tried to ease the mood, and Midoriya leaned forward, careful about being noticed as he spoke lowly to the girl.

"Eri, right?" Midoriya questioned. The girl looked up, her whole being shaking like a leaf on the wind. Time was scarce and he didn't expect her to reply, so he quickly continued. "Listen to me carefully, alright? I want you to calm down. You won't like this, but you have to go back to him." The girl quickly began to hysterically shake her head, and he put a finger over his lips to try and quiet her down as he glanced warily at Chisaki.

"I don't want you to go back, but you have to. We've been looking for this man, for this villain, for a while. And we'll catch him. We'll follow him. We'll see where he hides you, and then we'll save you."

"Why not now...?" She whispered quietly, deeply hurt as she kept shaking her head. "Please, let me go, please, I can run! I'll run fast!"

"Eri, I know. I know. I'm sorry." Midoriya pursed his lips. He didn't want to play hero. He didn't want to do the 'right thing'. The right thing, in his mind, was to get the girl out of here quickly. Midoriya didn't know the other citizens here, but they definitely didn't suffer as much as this little girl.

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