1. potato sadness

997 24 3

warning: fat shaming 

Y/n pov. 

"oh wow, they are impressed by your body? what do you mean? aiiiiiiish." I sighed but continued to glance through the fanfic that I was currently reading.

"nonnO. what are you doing??? Letting him carry you? Oh PLEASE" I ranted to myself while occasionally glancing at my legs. Rolling my eyes, I stayed clearly annoyed but still continuing to be captured and puller deeper into the story. 

"If someone carried me, I bet they would have died already, suffocating under ma fat ass and rolls" I mumbled under my breath and folded my arms across my chest. 

I've always envied skinny girls. Girls that stay skinny, and can eat literally EVERYTHING. Like, how do they manage to sustain their flawless figure? I try exercise quite an amount on the daily basis. My home is approximately a mile from my school, walking there and back, it's got to count as exercise.   

I still have the same question,

why am i not skinny?

why can't i be slim?

why can't i feel pretty?

dun dun dUNNNN

whenever I see anyone thinner than me (literally everyone), my self-esteem and confidence just breaks and shatters to thousands of tiny pieces. When you are in a society that only cares about your weight, and those stupid little numbers define your whole worth, hahahahaha. Self-esteem and confidence don't exist anymore. Poof. It's gone. 

If fat had magnetic force, the force would naturally pull towards me, attracted to me. :)

I look horrible, ugly in every single type of clothing. my fat ass cant even fit into any proper pants (don't even get me started on jeans) How about my legs? you may ask?

well, no

they are so freaking fat it bulges out of all the shorts that I own. Nothing, and i mean, nothing, can make me feel pretty. It would be damn nice if whenever you visit your relatives, they talk about ANYTHING, anything other than your weight. Don't get me wrong, i don't like school, but i'd much rather talk about school than my weight. 

I tear my eyes off of the computer, taking a break from all that negativity. Just great. Totally great. As I glanced out of the window, I was welcomed with the sight of random girls walking around in crop tops and short shorts. they had perfectly combed hair whilst mine could be legally accounted as a bird nest. Their flat stomachs,on the contrary, all my fat rolls, a literal marshmello. Their faces? the v-line and clear skin. 


My face, a literal circle. 

my face could be the definition of acne and pimples. 

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