- W a r n i n g : m a y c a u s e s u d d e n h e a r t b o o m b o o m-
I gasped for air, my lungs about to explode from all of the exercise. I sunk into my knees, pulling at my hair, trying to make sense of the situation. Eyes glistening in the pain, I let everything sink into once again me. The hard, cold truth of the cruel world.
'What did I do so wrong, that I get treated like this?' I thought to myself, struggling to not burst into tears.
'If I cry I lose y/n, I can't show that I'm weak to anyone!' y/n scolded herself. However this thought just made the urge to cry more unbearable.
'I'm sick of life... I'm sick of me... I am literally SO SICK OF EVERYTHING! FUCK THIS WORL'-"Y/N?" a feminine voice called me with confusion.
I slowly looked up to see a figure with gigantic eyes that glistened in the moonlight. The tears within my eyes blurred my eyesight.
"EEEEEEEK GO AWAY FROM ME WEIRD CREATURE WITH HUGE EYES!!!!!!" I suddenly begged, not being able to thinking properly.
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"PFT---" wait.. What type of weird mythical creature looks like a human and sounds like one? b-but that creature has like GIGANTIC SHINY CIRCLE EYES! WHAT ARE Y-YOU"
--------------(POP QUIZ: guess what the mythical creature is)---------
1. A alien
2. A human size tarsier (monkey w/ large eyes)
3. A unknown blob
4. A person that wears a halloween costume in the middle of the year
The weird creature started wheezing while laughing uncontrollably. The thing tried muffling the sounds with her hands, but it was still abortive.
Did I just discover an alien? Wait, this isn't realistic..
I tried reaching my hand out to grab it however quickly taking it back as I painfully got reminded that I wasn't in a so-great position to do even simple things like that.
pfffff, so much for my 'parents'
"A-are you ok?" the thing asked me carefully as if my answer would do something.
While I was still debating on what the heck the thing is, I somehow didn't even realize myself getting dragged into a house in a dark neighborhood.(okay maybe it wasn't dark but it was late at night and I was scared jeez)
"W-wait KIDNAPPER KIDNAPPER KIDNAP-" I can't seriously be kidnapped as soon as I got freedom right? "will you quiet down a bit? Can't you clearly see that I'm helping you y/n!" the thing whisper-yelled.
"H-huh?" I questioned dumbly at the thing's straightforward statement.
How does it know my name?
Do aliens go to my school?
Normally I would've spat out a sassy reply to it however I somehow couldn't, with my body obeying her words while my brain was completely messed up and clearly confused with too many thoughts.
"Don't worry I come in peace" The thing answered me.
...wait what
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Without a warning I started thrashing myself around the thing's grip trying to escape somehow. Despite my struggles, the thing kept on silent and just dragged me into a house that looked very normal, not matching my expectations.
Panicking, I used all my strength to get out of her grasp.
Instead of freedom, all I recieved was pain from my sore body and my pathetic cut on my arm. A painful howl erupted out of me.
"Aish what did I tell you, I'm here to help you not hurt you. What do you need more explanation in? I am trying to H-E-L-P you! C'monnnnnn" The thing pleaded with a slight sass to it.
"Wait.. so you weren't an alien after all?" I asked carefully.