Before my mind had registered anything, I was already hurled onto a chair. As I recovered from that unexpected strength, I glanced around the interior of the room of this 'perhaps-alien''s place.
Who knew she would be so strong?
Although it was pretty dark, (due to the sentimental candles) I could still figure out a few things.
Cozy, the definition of cozy.
Pillows and blankets of all wondrous color and sizes littered the floor. Warmth and closure danced around, but when reminded that this could be an alien, my feelings darkened, and the darkness wasn't helping at all.
Shuffling noises emerged, making my nosy self inspect what was happening.
"y/n, why dont you drink this while i will be doing some important businessu." it said, reaching for a cup of hot chocolate to me.
"hmm" i sniffed suspiciously at this chemical concoction.
Perhaps this alien drugged my hot choco
nope, not gonna fall for that trick; y o u a l i e n
Humans aint no stoopid
"y/n, you can literally just drink it, remember, I come in peace." it remarked at my dumb actions.
I glared at it as I sipped the hot chocolate looking liquid. Warmth spread all over me within a second as my body relaxed.
suddenly yelping at the alien's sudden contact, regret was plastered all over me.
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"YAAAAAAAH, THAT HURTS" I shrieked while throwing multiple pillows at the thing's direction. My drama-self of course had to do something dramatic, so i continued to bang on the handles of the chair.
Just as I thought the pain would subside, look at me now.
"Y/n, stop overreacting! I'm just cleaning your wounds." The alien snapped, clearly tired from all this drama. I sighed, taking another sip of hot chocolate. But my question still was left untouched.
"Fine but, w-who are you? And how do you know my name?"
I actually wanted to ask wtf are u and what do u think ur doin to me but you never know, after all the THING still might be an alien.