13. namjoon

198 6 2

y/n pov.

'While I was too distracted, wondering why i didn't hear any bones crack,-'




" Y/N? "

" Y/NNN!" Yunseo hollered in my ear, snapping me out of my thoughts.


"I think-" Yunseo whispered into my ear but quickly lifted her other hand to cover my ear. "There's this dude trying to get your attention" I looked at the way Yunseo pointed. This little black blob jogging with a slight stumble to it's steps. As that black blob came closer to me... was it a transfer student? OH OH OHH, WHAT? Nam-moon?

Or was it namhoon? Namyoon? Namjoon? Nam-oon? Forget it.

As his footsteps became louder, Yunseo poked me on my side; glancing forth him and me, shooting me a 'are you guys a thing' look. At that moment, his hands glided through his hair before continuing, "Y/n" He spoke before glancing at Yunseo. "What happened there?" He asked. "Eh?" "I heard aggressive voices so.... did something happen?" I opened my mouth to speak, but closed it instead. "As you were saying....?" The impatient voice asked again as Yunseo tugged my sleeves again.

"What. to. Say?" she mumbled as she attempted to make out the words without moving her mouth. "Just a casual argument between students." I composedly expressed and reached into my backpack to pull out a juice pouch. He parted his lips and obviously faked a laugh.

"ha. ha. ha, very funny"

Sticking the straw into the hole of the juice pouch, I took a sip before replying. "Well...... anything else you wanted, nam-guy?"He stifled a snicker then crossed his arms and raised a brow. "I'd love to spend a day talking to you guys but seriously, What. Happened." He pronounced every syllable.

Why would you be interested?

"You know those 6 boys that always sit near the door of the classroom and those girls that dress in bodycon dresses, high heels, you know the drill. They just made fun of my weight, and Yunseo's reading interest....But it's fine because it always happens" I gestured towards Yunseo and he gritted his teeth. Nam-guy instantaneously seized the hood of my jacket and yanked me towards him as he began striding to the massive clump of kids. My poor precious juice pouch flew out of my hands, "My juice pouch?" Nam-guy ignored my question and continued dragging me.

My feet trip over each other and fumbled around as my hands frantically flung all over the place. I choked and scrunched my face up as I repeatedly swatted at his hand and struggled to break free. Luckily, I finally landed a flawless swat across his cheek. 

"Y/n" He warned.

"Are you seriously trying to kill me? If you were.... I'd like to tell you this is a great way to die." Yunseo sent finger guns and I mouthed the words 'fuck you'.












"Oh, It seems as if fatty brought a new friend to protect herself from us?"

As If he finally understood my struggle, I greedily took mouthfuls of air as the grip on my hood loosened. "Look here" Nam-guy took a breath before preceding.

"Skinny girls, small nose, small lips, this doesn't define beauty. Having an interest in knowledge doesn't make you pathetic, you dumbasses don't even know how many legs a spider has. All you ever do is have one-night stands that don't even care about your personality but just for your inexistent reproduction center, you one-incher. Look at yourself before attacking other people because, trust me," there was a slight pause," you're no better."

Did he really just give those bastards a taste of their own medicine? Did he actually say all of those things?

I was brought back into reality as he gripped my hood again and slightly dragged me out with less power.

"Ok, this hood grabbing needs to stop. But also.."

I looked at him, "Thank-" "By the way, my name's namjoon."

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