12. attention seeker (unpublished chapter that is now published)

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another reminder: if you are sensitive to topics such as ed, depression, violence, abuse, trama, pls don't continue reading 

yunseo pov. 

-Another flashback starts-

However that wasn't the case, I actually used to be the 'two miss goody shoes' and I would always stand out in the class as the best student. I often raised my hands to answer questions too.

But after the 'incident' I was kept on being called 'the attention seeker' and everybody would tease me over and over again until finally I decided to be an outsider.

I lost a bunch of weight due to my ed and I realized that I was actually pretty. ( I know that sounds a bit 'UR EGO IS TOO HIGH' but that was really what I thought after the sudden transformation)



ಠ_ಠ--- laser pew- pew-

Dont u dare to even think abt it..

I soon learned how to apply makeup. Perhaps I became what some people may call 'the perfect appearance'. For once, I was pretty. I felt pretty.

However I also knew the fact that I would break away easily like glass if someone badmouthed me. But that was the last thing I would worry about,

Right at that moment, I just wanted to enjoy the moment. Finally start my reputation over and hide my old-self.

Joining highschool, I began to socialize with others, make new friends that actually valued me. For Jessica, well...... lets just say that we were not in the best terms.

If I were to be honest, Jessica's face had so much makeup. It literally looked like layers of cake were on her. Whilst I just applied a thin layer of concealer and some eyeliner.

In just a matter of weeks, I suddenly became the 'pretty girl' in highschool, replacing Jessica. The 'popular' kids started talking to me, even inviting me to their lunch table!

Yes, they ruled the school, but I knew better than that. These kids were just two-faced demons.

I ignored those popular jerks and instead, I hung out with the so-called 'normal kids'.

Unexpectedly, as time passed, they became popular and once again.....

Guess what?

DUN DUUN DUUUUN (dramatic effects flashing around)




I was abandoned.

Yeah, again.

It didn't take a genius to figure out that it was Jessica behind this.

As much as I wanted to punch her in the face, I couldn't.

She knew me too well. I didn't have the guts to do such inhumane things.

I was officially broken to the core.

Soon, i got my dreadful 'depression' again


life felt like








-end of flashback-

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