-Chapter 16-Truth or dare

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I woke up and went to eat. I didn't see Louis in common room. He was probably down already.

"Where were you?"- He asked as I sat down next to him.

"Sleeping?"- I answered confused.

"Well you always wake up at 8/8:30"

"Well I slept more today obviously."- I said laughing.

"You two."- Draco said as he sat down. "Do you want to play truth or dare with slytherins?"

"Who is gonna be there?"- I asked.

"Blaise, Me, Pansy, Adrian."

"Why is Adrian gonna be there."- Louis asked.

"He said he won't do anything, he is just gonna play the game."- Draco answered.

"Biggest lie I have ever heard."- I said drinking chocolate milk.

We continued talking and we had to leave for the first class. Today I had predictions after a while. Me and Louis sat down together and saw two cups in front of us again.

"Not this again."- I said looking at cup.

"At least it isn't that coffee."- He said looking at it too.

"Students!"- Professor yelled. "Drink the liquid in front of you."

We listened and drank it. It tasted like orange juice. Maybe just for me because Louis seemed like he is going to throw up.

"Now! Look at your partners eyes who is sitting with you."

I looked to Louis's eyes and he looked at mine. We couldn't keep  straight face for 2 seconds. We bursted out laughing.

"Stop it."- I said laughing and drinking the liquid again.

We drank the liquid again and Louis seemed like he will throw up again.

We looked at each other eyes and literally nothing happened.

"And students what did you see?"- Professor asked while everyone was giving answers and me and Louis looked confused as hell.

"What about you two?"- She came closer to us.

"Nothing."- Louis said.

"Same."- I added.

"Weird."- She said going through her book to see what's the problem. "If you see nothing in someone eyes and he/she sees nothing too it means you will have future with them...it doesn't need to be romantic, but most of the time it is."- She said finishing reading.

"What?"- Me and Louis said at the same time looking at the teacher like she killed out whole families.

"It does not have to be romantic."- She repeated.

"At least we will stay friends for a long time."- Louis said as she walked away from us.

"Positive thing."- I said as we left the class.

We had separate classes and we said we will have lunch together. Like every day.

12:00 PM

"What did you see in Louis?"- Draco asked catching up to my walking.


"How?"- He asked.

"I don't know."

"Well that means-"- He tried to finish but Louis came behind us.

"Hellou!"- He said as he rested his both arms on our shoulders. "When are we playing games in common room?"- He asked.

"8 PM."- Draco answered.

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