-Chapter 65- Mary

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"Ah Mafilda, Anne. Travis sent you, didn't he? Good."-Umbridge said as me and Hermione just nodded. "We'll go straight down."

She got into an elevator while we moved a bit from her.

"Albert, Frank aren't you getting out?"- She asked while Louis and Harry stepped out of elevator.

"Anne you can help me and Mafilda."- Umbridge said as I tried to get out. I just nodded. She would recognize my voice probably. We were on such a good terms.

Me, Hermione and Umbridge went down and we had to help Umbridge with paperwork. We didn't talk the whole time and that made Umrbidge rant about everything. After some time we climbed down and there was this woman in front of us sitting. She said to me and Hermione to sit down next to her. We were sitting doing paperwork while Umbridge was talking to a woman. Not much time later we saw Ron, Harry and Louis enter come towards us.

"Mary Elizabeth Cattermore?"- Umbridge asked.

"Yes?"- Mary said.

"Of 27 Chislehurst gardens, great tolling, evesham?"- Umrbridge asked.

"Yes?"- Mary said.

"Mother to Maisie, Ellie and Alfred, wife to Reginald?"- Umrbidge asked as Mary turned to Ron, Harry and Louis.

"Reg?"- Mary asked as Harry pushed Ron to her.

"Thank you Albert."- Umbridge said. "Mary Eliazbeth Cattermole."


"A wand was taken from you upon your arrival at the ministry today, Mrs. Cattermole. Is this that wand? Would you please the truth from which witch or wizard you took this wand?"

"I didn't take it."- She said. "I got it in Diagon Alley, At Olivander's, when I was 11. It chose me."

"You're lying."-Umrbidge said as Harry was getting closer. "Wands only choose witches and you are not a witch."

"But I am."- She said. "Tell them, Reg. Tell them that what I am."

Harry was looking at the Umbridge's necklace. I turned to my left and saw it on her. Harry took his wand from his hand.

"What on earth are you doing, Albert?"- Umbridge asked.

"You're lying Dolores. And one mustn't tell lies. Stupefy!"- Harry said while Umbridge blacked out and Hermione took her necklace and gave it to Harry.

"It's Harry Potter."- Mary said as I ran over to Louis.

"This is terrifying."- Louis said as I was standing in front of him and Ron was getting Mary.

Black shadows were chasing us as we were running to the elevator. Louis took my hand and we were running towards it. We got into an elevator and doors closed but their arms were still there. I started feeling dizzy and almost blacked out.

"Expecto patronum!"- Harry yelled as black shadows were backed away with blue light.

Elevator went up and everyone changed into their body expect me and Ron. We started walking outside with our head down until man stopped me.

"Anne where have you been?"- Man approached me.

"And you are?"- I asked while he was holding my arms.

"Your husband Anne? Is everything alright?"- He asked.

"Right, sorry. I have to go now, meet you later."- I said.

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