Chapter 18

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"Everyone grab a set of knives and line up." Four called out to us and we did what we were told. I grabbed my set and stood next to Tom and Sonja, I'm extremely nervous about this... Yes, Eric helped me last night, but the only time I hit the target where I wanted it to hit, he physically helped me, so how I am going to do this by myself is going to be the challenge. "I am going to go over how to throw a knife properly and then you guys will do it on your own. It's not rocket science so you don't need to go using your brain Erudite." Ouch... That was harsh Four. Tom nudged me and I looked at him, "Who pissed in his coffee this morning?" He whispered. I so badly wanted to laugh, but the last thing I need is for Eric to yell at me, so all I did was roll my eyes at Tom then turned my attention back to Four. Four started explaining and showing everyone how to throw, luckily I was prepared for today... well, I hope I was prepared for today.

"Alright, start throwing and when you run out of knives, grab more." With that, we all started throwing. I will admit, I was terrified about throwing the knives, what if I can only hit the center of the target with Eric guiding me? What if this is the only skill I can't master? Oh god, I can't think that I know I can throw some damn knives. I looked over at Tom and saw that three of his knives wherein the stomach region, not bad honestly, I'm impressed. I turned my head to look at Sonja, poor thing couldn't even get one of her knives to stick, I watched as yet another one of her knives hit the floor, "Geez, that's pathetic." So now is when he decides to speak up. "I'm sorry," Sonja mumbled under her breath, looking down at the floor. "Cut her some slack, not everyone is going to be good at throwing knives." The way that he looked at me made me regret opening my mouth. "What did you say initiate?"

"I said that not everyone is going to be good at knife throwing." He looked at me before he looked at my board, which still didn't have any knives in it. "You shouldn't be so quick to judge, after all, you haven't thrown any knives at all." Everyone at this point was watching Eric and I. "Tell you what, throw every single knife you have in the center target and I'll let this go. Miss and you're out. How does that sound?" What?! He can't kick me out! Max and my mother won't stand for that, hell I won't let him. "Eric, you can't do that." Four explained, trying to help me out of this. "I can do whatever I want." Believe me, we have noticed.

I quickly looked at Sonja, who was staring at me, mentally apologizing for what she got me into, and I turned to look at the board. I put four of my knives in the top part of my boot, while I firmly grasped one in my hand Remember what Eric told you, don't think too much about it. I took a deep breath in and out before taking my stance and making eye contact with the center of the board, I can do this. As I lifted my arm up, I felt my hips move as well, but I remember Eric moving my hips back and that's what I did before I knew it I threw the knife and watched it land right where I wanted... Bullseye. I smirked as I finally felt myself get back into this feeling, it was just like riding a bike. I grabbed another one and threw it, watching it hit the bullseye again, I continued to do this until I ran out of knives and I looked at Eric. The look in his eyes showed that he was actually proud that I did it, but his face showed that he was pissed that I challenged him, "Go back to what you were doing." With that he took off, leaving us with Four for the rest of the day.

"You didn't have to do that Sasha, but thank you. Eric's stare alone makes me want to crawl in a hole and never come out." I said as I changed my sports bra. I had been getting comfortable changing in front of everyone in the dorm, hell I now take a shower out in the open. Although now that I do that, the majority of the guys make their disgusting comments about how much they love my body, while some of the girls tell me they wish they had my body. "Sonja, it's okay. Eric doesn't scare me, he can try, but it's not going to work." She smiled at me as I slipped on my combat boots and grabbed a sweater that I will put on after training. "The guys and I are going to hang out at the Pit. Do you want to come with us?" Sonja asked and I shook my head. "I think I'm gonna go for a run around the training area. I'll meet up with you guys afterward." She nodded her head and left the dormitory. I left a little after her, making my way to the training room, "Oh god he is going to be pissed about what I did at training." Well, it wouldn't be the first time I pissed him off.

I walked into the training room and looked around, Mr.Bipolar wasn't there, at all. I didn't see any of his stuff or any sign that he was in the room. My face scrunched up in confusion at this, He is always here early. It was too damn quiet in here and it was starting to be unsettling, out of my peripheral vision I noticed someone coming towards me, looking like they are ready for a fight. My instincts kicked in and without looking, I jabbed the unknown person in the throat and they gasped for air, then I grabbed the person's arm and flipped them onto their back. I got on top of them and pinned the person down, "Eric?!" My eyes widened when I realized who it was. Before he could say anything, there was the sound of slow clapping coming from behind me, "I told you she was ready and worthy of that number one spot. You owe me 20 credits." I jumped off of Eric and reached my hand out to him, offering to help him up. Imagine how not surprised I was when he didn't want my help, "You couldn't have gotten someone else to sneak up on her? With that punch, she could've crushed my windpipe." Eric's voice sounded raspy. "Now where would the fun be in that?" I looked over at Eric, who just rolled his eyes at Max. "Wait, back it up, you guys placed a bet to see if I was actually worthy of my rank?" Now I was getting pissed.

Max could notice this and he walked up next to me, placing a firm hand on my shoulder, "You see, I have always known you would come here and come out on top, but somebody thought you didn't deserve it. So I decided to place a bet, seeing as I knew I would win, I had no doubts." Max gave me a half-smile as he left the training room, leaving me with Grumpy Gills. "You seriously don't think I deserve my rank?" Honestly, I was hurt. I thought of all people, he would at least be proud of the fact all his training is paying off with a great initiate. "If you didn't have such a need to prove me wrong then maybe I would respect you more." Now I am getting pissed. "Respect me more? Sorry for trying to get you off your fucking high horse and showing you that you don't always have to be so god damn mean all the time." Eric's head whipped towards me so fast and the first thing I saw was anger. "What did you just tell me?" I knew I should've just apologized, but the stubbornness in me refused. I stormed right up to him and looked him in the eyes, "Stop treating everyone like a punching bag, because if you think shoving fear down people's throats is going to make you seem tough? It's not and news flash Eric, I am not afraid of you." In the blink of an eye, he slammed me into the concrete wall, hitting my head first.

Black spots clouded my vision and I groaned, he pressed his forearm against my throat to cut off my breathing, "You don't know me, and don't ever assume that you do. You think that you're the best initiate, it's because your mother programmed you to be her perfect little soldier. I might not be able to kick you out, but I damn well can make you want to leave." It was at that moment I was completely terrified of him. I was no longer confused about the person underneath the think layers of skin, all I could see was a stone-cold man who isn't afraid to take people down. I tried to say something, but the lack of oxygen was getting to me and before I could pass out, he removed his arm and I fell to the floor to catch my breath. "No more training for you." Was the last thing he said as I watched him leave the training room.

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