Chat 5

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namjoon: cream team assemble

Jin: fire

Tae: earth

kookie: water

yoongi: air

aria: long ago these four nations lived in peace

Rat: but it all changed

hobi: when the fire nation

jimin: attacked 🔪

namjoon: ANYgays guys I think im in love

aria: hop on the bus fam we going for a ride

hobi: put yall seatbelts on

yoongi: pshh yolo

kookie: *car crashes*

yoongi: ahhhhhh

aria: *everyone* we told her to buckle up

yoongi: always buckle up

namjoon: no like actually

aria: haha that sucks fam cant relate

tae: what was that aria 

aria: oh nothing anygays were not talking about my relationship problems

rat: i think you meant 'our'

aria: why our?

rat: I'm referring to you and tae

aria: me and tae arent dating

rat: yeh but you act like you are

tae: were not getting into this right now another time, please

aria: thank you, namjoon you were saying

namjoon: right, so I might be in love with someone

jin: good for you

namjoon: no not good for me

jin: why?

namjoon: because I don't know how to ask this person out, they don't really focus on anyone but themselves unless it's their friends.

yoongi: sounds oddly familiar

namjoon: it's exactly who you think it is

aria: 🤭

namjoon: and he's really popular and we're friends but IDK how to talk to him

jin: I don't really wanna give you advice for personal reasons but just ask him

hobi: personal reasons

yoongi: another couple will be formed we tried with taria but they refuse to give us what we want

namjoon: but what if it puts a strain on us

jin: then you work to get back to where your friendship was before

tae: I know I'm a hypocrite but you can do it joon

aria: yeh you are a hypocrite but joon were all supporting you

rat: yeh he likes you too so just ask him

namjoon: ok ok

jin: whoever it is is really lucky joon

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