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"Where is the rest of this?" I ask Edith, as I look down at a crop-top, that stops directly under my boobs. She laughs and shakes her head.

"Don't be such a prude" She tells me, as she turns her body around in front of the mirror.

"I'm not a prude, I just don't want to be mistaken as a prostitute" I retort back, putting on a tank top. She rolls her eyes and picks up her pile of clothes.

"I think I'm going to wear this"

"Giiirrlll you gonna get all of them boys" I tease, poking her in the stomach. She laughs and looks at her outfit again.

"Are you sure?" She asks worried, looking at me and her reflection. She has on a short, loose red dress and black pumps.

"Trust me, Do you really think I would let you look bad?" I say reassuringly, fixing her strap and helping her with her makeup.

"Your right, I don't know why I'm worried"

"It's ok to be worried"

Edith grabs her keys and phone and with one last glance in the mirror, leads me out of her home. We walk down the street in silence and stop in front of a bar.

"Your lucky, your my friend" I mutter, as we wait in line.

"I know you don't like bars or alcohol, but I'm really glad you came" She saids sweetly, moving towards the security guards. I groan and quickly show the guard my ID. He shines a flashlight on my ID and then straight into my face. I flinch and he hands me back my ID and motions for me to go inside.

"Well someone didn't take their happy pills" I grumble, as Edith drags me to the bar.

"What would you like?" The girl asks us, as we sit down on the stools.

"A margarita please" The girl nods and turns towards me, looking at me expectantly.

"Oh, I don't drink" I say quietly, giving her a small smile. She looks at me doubtfully, but goes off to fix Edith's drink.

"What are you still doing here?" I ask Edith, nudging her with my elbow.

"Will you be fine by yourself?"

"I'm a grown women" I say defensively, crossing my arms. I push her off the stool and towards the big crowd of grinding and sweaty bodies.

"See you tomorrow" She calls and winks at me, pushing her way into the crowd. I roll my eyes and drum my fingers on the bar. Sometimes, I wish I worked on the weekends, I think to myself as I stare at the people around me.

"Hey babe" Someone slurs next to me, placing their hand on my shoulder. I shrug them off and ignore them.

"Don't touch her" A familiar voice growls from behind me. I turn around and see the mystery 2 A.M. boy. I blush as the intoxicated guy puts his hands up in surrender and stumbles off.

"Thanks" I say shyly, looking at my hands, refusing to look at him.

"Anytime" He tells me and puts his finger under my chin, forcing me to look at him. My breath hitches at how close we are. He leans in closer and my eyes start to flutter close.

"See you on Monday" He whispers lowly, nibbling on my earlobe. He walks off with a huge smirk on his stupid, beautiful face. My face feels like it's on fire as I slowly inch off the stool. I walk out the bar and to my apartment in complete shock.

As I'm laying in my bed, it finally hits me. Oh my god, why cruel world?!?! I fidget with the collar of my shirt, as it seems to get 100x hotter in here as I remember the details of tonight.

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