chapter 10

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* few weeks had passed jay had cut all contact from me. i tried talking i sat in front of his door  left notes cried there questioned him asked him to just tell me the truth but no response . things in the fire house were not good i was mad all the time i started skipping shifts which put all the pressure on casey. i stopped talking to kelly stopped going to molly's and it had been so for 2 weeks now. except one day i decided to go to work i had skipped 3 shifts already and it was not good*

AT 51

casey: where have you been ?

me: home

casey: i fucking know that but mentally where have you been 

me: lt. its none of your business where i am what im doing or how im doing your job is to look after 81 how about you do that

kelly: 81 is not just his responsibility, its yours too and tbh you're not even coming to the fire house you dont even talk to me you have no clue whats going on here

me: oh actually kelly i do know whats going on chief knew about me not coming to the fire house i took some personal days and also i still did look into your calls so that its easy on the chief but hell no i gotta be that bad person yeah sure lets do that

herrman: no offense captain but you have been gone for so long we all care about you and were worried 

me: herrman i care about y'all too okay but i just needed some personal days okay?

herrman: yes

me: otiz stella mouch?

otiz: yes 

me: clean up the rig check if something is wrong or if we need new equipment or something charge up the batteries of the tools as well please

stella: will do captain

me: you two shame on yourself

casey: lyla but we-

me: leave it casey

*i left the room to went to my office realised i shouldnt have yelled at casey and kelly like that but not being able to see jay was driving me crazy being a one night person i dont know why i feel this way but i do .i was still in my office i ordered some pizza for the guys cuz they knew i was here they wouldnt cook but i didnt wanna leave my office being the emotional wreck i was i didnt wanna see anyone. the pizza had arrived i knew cuz i got the message . then some one knocked on the door. it was cruz

cruz: captain?

me: yeah cruz come on in

*cruz enters the room to find it a total mess*

cruz: is everything okay?

me: im fine what is it?

cruz: umm we were wondering if you ordered the pizza

me: yeah i did what are you doing here go eat the food its getting cold

cruz: captain dont you wanna eat

me: im not hungry but thanks for asking

cruz: oh okay anytime captain

* cruz left*


casey: did she order it?

cruz: yeah 

kelly: too much to say sorry 

cruz: actually lt she was really sweet to me but when i went into the office it didnt feel right like the place was a mess

casey: uhh shes not okay but ig its best to leave her alone

mouch: is she not hungry

cruz: she said shes not

*well i was alone here pretty sure the guys are enjoying their food. it was raining outside okay pouring outside i love rain its all cold amd glommy so i decided to go out . i  left my office to the common room kept my phone on the table ignored kelly and went outside squad rig was outside so i sat there. i saw someone come in a black hoodie and black jeans face covered. i realised it was jay decided to get up and go back inside*

jay: you wanna know the truth

*i stopped turned around walked to him and stood near the rig*

jay: you drive me crazy . i wake up i wish you were here i sit in the car i wish  you were here i go to bed i wish you were here. whatever i do i wish i was with you. i was always a one night person but lyla you changed that you made me have feeling for you that i though it was just a lust but sitting behind that door listening you begging for truth crying with you all i realised was i need you and im sorry for not telling you think before but i have feelings for you 

me: not being able to see you drove me crazy i stopped going to work eating cooking all i wanted to know was the truth and now that i do know it. jay i have had feelings for you for a long time and being able to see you just made it worse

jay: really? uhh so  will you be my girl my girlfriend the one whom i can call mine

me: yes 

jay: can  i kiss you

me: you never have to ask again

*i kissed jay and it felt so good seeing him lightened up my mood . and the rain it just made it perfect but to spoil the moment the bells went off*


me: okay you gotta leave love this is the squad rig guys would be here soon 

jay: uh byee see you later?

me: yeah

*i rushed back inside  with a smile on my face drenched but i had jay and nothing else mattered

me: herrman what do you want for dinner

herrman: you okay? you were so mad in like 5 seconds of being in the rain you look so happy but anywas id love a good chicken 

me: you got it. ill change and come back

*i came back to the common room and started cooking*

stella: so who was it 

me: what?

stella: ohh dont even i saw you were with someone

me: umm idk what youre saying

stella: look at those cheeks , is it a firefighter, a doctor , a lawyer  or a police officer

me: its no one

stella: i say officer and your cheeks go red

me: ughh

stella: is it from 21st patrol men or detective?

me: no one

stella: oh it is a detective well 21 has 3  detectives 

me: kidd

stella: it cant be olinksy . is it antonio? or jay?

me: i hate you so much

stella: so it is one of them

me: let me cook

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