chapter 15

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Jay's pov
* The machines she coded her heart lyla the accident the bullets the ambo, coma surgery what is happening *

Hailey: jay come on let's go back to your room let the doctors work on her

Jay: no

Hailey: please

*That's when I heard will come out*

Will: move move her hearts stopping the wound is re bleeding we are taking her back to surgery

Jay: lyla

Hailey: come on let's go u need to rest

Brett's pov

* As me an Stella entered the ICU we saw will take lyla worried look on his face we saw jay barely holding on with hailey. we went to talk to hailey*

Brett: hailey what's going on

Hailey: re bleedings

Stella: this is not good

Hailey: yeah uh you guys go sit in the waiting room I'll go with him make him fall asleep and come to you

Stella: yeah sure

*Me and Stella went to the nearest waiting room and sat there waiting for hailey or will to come*

Hailey: any news ?

Brett: no , informed 51 they told to keep us updated

Stella: how's jay

Hailey: he's fine but worried about lyla when we first told him what happened he could barely breathe kept on panicking crying

Stella: its tough for him too

Brett: poor jay


*we saw will come out hailey had just gone to check up on jay *

Brett: how is she

Will: the surgery went well hopefully this time it does not re bleed she is still in a coma

Brett: okay thanks will can we see her?

Will: yeah follow me

*Stella and I got up to go to lyla's room texted hailey and 51 about her condition*

Brett: come on baby you gotta wake up for us for 51 for jay wake up

Stella: what happened lyla , our light the spark of the firehouse the angle we had ,the light in jays life the person we depended on who saved every soul she could helped everyone all here hooked up to Machines we can't see u like this please wake up please come back please be with us we can't lose you

Brett: come back lyla

Stella: she moved

Brett: what ?

Stella: she moved her hand

Brett: I'll get will

Stella: lyla?

Lyla: jay

Stella: what girl

Lyla: jay

*I came back in with will to see lyla awake trying so say something *

Will: hush hush don't speak u need to rest u were shot we had u in surgery u coded three times we put you in a coma to u can heal but u started bleeding again and now after surgery u woke up

Lyla: jay

Will: okay she wants jay

Stella:oh well she' fine she remembers us

Lyla: you guys are mean

Brett: how do u feel

Lyla: like crap

Will: you'll feel better soon

Lyla: I will if u just let me see jay

Will: god both of them are so stubborn

Stella: haha I'll text hailey to see if jay can come

*Stella did so it didn't take long for jay to come in *

Jay: lyla

Lyla: jay,

Jay: omg u scared me so much please dont do this again

Lyla: the sling

Hailey: see lyla this idiot right here loves to get shot so the same story as u happened here

*Lyla lightly slapped jay on the chest, we let the two be alone for some time, went back inside to find them sleeping together jay next to lyla*

A/N : finally something good with a lot trauma and pain lyla made it
Say tuned for the next chapter some juice about Stella will be there

Comment down below if you guys want something else 💚

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