★ clouds on a rainy day. | 12.

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this will probably develope into its own book, but for now, its gonna stay as an oumota one shot. this is also a part-two esc thing to 'clouds are pink in the early morning'!
summery: after he dies, kokichi realizes it was all virtual. After the incident, he is triggered when anything touches the spots he was shot or touched at all- and his only comfort is his blackened, kaito momota, and the rain.

kokichi sat on the window-seat in the back corner of the common area. He was tired, and everyone could tell. He could barely sleep at night, due to the horrible- horrible night terrors he'd been getting.

it showed on his face. A frown planted on his features, deep, purple bags on his pale face.

this is getting tiring, he thought, his head placed gently against the cold window. Too cold. It felt like the press.

he took his head from the window and shivered, his eyes wide, before putting his hands over his ears, to block out everything.

kirumi looked to him with a worried expression. She walked over and said his name, him looking to her before giving a shaky, obviously fake smile.

"no, no, kirumi!" He spoke shakily, barely able to recognize his own voice. Was is really that high pitched? "I'm fine, I promise!"

"allow me to get you a blanket, then, ouma-kun." He looked at her before nodding hesitantly, going back to staring at the rain outside the window.

after a few minutes, kirumi came back with a thick and soft blanket, tenderly wrapping it around the much to small boy's shoulders.

he nodded as a thanks, sighing and looking around. Was he really all alone, like shuichi said, in the game?

and he had such a low chance of waking up from the killing game. Why couldn't he of just died, or at least been in a coma? Everything for everyone would be so much easier.

he remembered the day he woke up too vividly. Well, thats because it was literally the night before.

kokichi suddenly fell onto a white tiled ground, a man in a long coat walking over.

he cowered out of fear; scared and confused, hitting a large metal- thing, and trying his best to get away.

he was supposed to be dead. Was this his eternal punishment? Still being alive.

his back hurt. Everything was in agony, from his head to his feet.

what was happening?

then he saw it.

"m....iu?" He croaked. It felt like it had been years since he spoke.

the larger strawberry blond walked over, looking at kokichi. "Well, the failed abortion actually made it out alive!" She cackled.

"mi...u?! Wh- wh...at do you m- me-an?"

"haven't you realized it already?! you didn't fuckin' die! It was all VR! Im surprised you made it out in one piece, shrimpy! Doc here said you had a five percent chance since your death was so- horrible!" She looked at him.

one of his eyes was yellow, strands of white and brown hair all throughout his head. Was his hair dyed? She asked herself.

she was silent for a moment, afterward handing kokichi a hand. He hesitantly taking it and being pulled up.

"I'm surprised you can walk, cockichi!" Kokichi looked at her shakily.

"i've been in more pain." Then, all his memories came back in a flood of pain and depression—"Y- yeah. A lot more pain."

he sighed, shivering still. This was hell.

"....you're a lot skinnier and smaller in real life, kokichi..." She spoke softly. Kokichi, at most, was five-feet- maybe even less. His bones—on his open skin—peaking through his flesh. "And you have- a yellow eye."

kokichi sighed, what was she going on about? He'd always been- wait, no. He felt shorter next to miu, and he felt much lighter. Too light.

kokichi sniffed as he looked at the rain, slowly disassociating into a state of calm and silence.

miu then bursted into the room. "Oi, failed abortion! You're space boyfriend just woke up!!" She yelled.

"....kaito?" He spoke softly, looking to miu with tired eyes.

"yeah! Now get your ass out here!"

kokichi got up, his bare feet taking a place on miu's pink pajama pants as he walked against the cold, hard tile.

his feet thrummed, the blanket still around his shoulders, sprinting with miu to the VR room.

"kaito!" He screamed, looking at the taller boy with wide, teary eyes.

"...kokichi?" He was confused. Why was kokichi here? Wasn't he himself dead? Whats was going on?!

"kaito!" He said softer, tears starting to run down his face. He gripped kaito's clothes in a tight hug. He had fallen hard for this idiot in the past, and it seemed that crush still persisted.

kaito was silent. He was confused, to say the least.

"are I dead? Aren't- aren't you dead? Miu- didn't-"

"yeah yeah idiot, everyone in this room died." She was annoyed, kaito hesitantly hugging kokichi back.

the smaller boy flinched, but stayed consumed in kaito's warmth.

"gonta was told it was all VR!" Gonta spoke excitedly, smiling. "Gonta was hoping kokichi would wake up, and was scared. But gonta is very happy that everyone is ok!"

kokichi sighed lightly, his tears finally dissipating.

"oh thank god you're ok, kaito." The small boy spoke softly, smiling widely. He looked at kaito, "By god have I been wanting to do this for a very long time." he mumbled, pushing himself onto the tips of his toes and giving a kaito's a kiss on the lips.

It didn't feel weird or anything- it was just odd.

kaito was taken aback, but kissed back anyway. He pulled apart, looking at everyone around the two. "...Does this mean you like me?" Kaito asked, kokichi nodding vigorously.

"yes! Yes- since before the killing game!" Kokichi spoke in a hurried manner, his entire checks burning and a hard blush laying over his face.

kaito's expression softening. He was silent before he ran his fingers through kokichi's hair, which was covering one of his eyes, and looked so messy—like it'd been months since he'd styled it in any way shape or form.

"well," kaito spoke, nodding to himself. "I think I like you to." He smiled, kokichi's face morphing into one of pure joy.

miu interrupted, "Oi, lovebirds," she spat, "I'm hungry. Lets eat."

kaito nodded, taking kokichi's hand and walking to the dinning hall, with everyone behind them and miu.

f- f l u f f -
anyway, uh, fluff. fluff is always good.
i currenty have another planned oumota one shot,,, but after that i'll probably be doing oumami, ouruma, and ounaga ones. :)

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