Chapter Thirty

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Being with Harry made me happy. Waking up next to him and going to sleep next to him every day was something I would never get bored of. I was becoming more confident in our relationship, and I found myself showing more public displays of affection. Our families were getting along well too, my mum and Anne had swapped numbers and I knew they were becoming friends. A sudden crash knocked me out of my thoughts, so I raced upstairs to find Harry sat in the middle of the floor, an open suitcase next to him and clothes strewn everywhere. "Packing's going well then?" I questioned, smiling in his direction and sitting down next to him.

"Shut up, Lou," he mumbled, picking up a pair of jeans and folding them neatly, "I just don't know what to take." He placed them in his suitcase before looking at the clothes that he had thrown around the room, "can you help?"

"Oh, so now you want my help?" I smirked, standing up and taking Harry's hand to stand him up too. He nodded sheepishly, putting his suitcase on the bed. "Okay, so, find a few pairs of jeans," I instructed, watching him grab some black jeans from the floor. He passed them to me and as I folded them, I told him to find a couple t-shirts too. We repeated this process until his suitcase was full of both casual clothes and smart clothes, remembering to pack his toiletries and any essential items that he wanted to take with him. Once we were done, we sat on the bed, him resting his head against my shoulder.

"I don't want to go, Lou," he said, putting his hand on my knee.

"I know, Haz, but you'll have fun when you get there, I promise."

"I'll miss you," he stated, "I know it's only a week, but it feels like such a long time to be without you."

"It'll be alright, Harry. Think of how amazing it'll be to spend time in London. This is going to be so good for your career!"

"But you won't be there."

"We'll call every night and I promise, before you know it, you'll be coming home." Harry was going to London for a week for a physiotherapy course. It was an annual thing where every important person in the profession gave talks and demonstrations, and this year Harry was able to get tickets with a few of his colleagues. I knew I was going to miss him; we hadn't spent any time apart since we got together, and I knew it was going to be hard without him. "Ready?" I asked, giving him a small kiss on his cheek and standing up. He nodded, grabbing his suitcase and following me to the front door. We went to his car, putting his suitcase in the boot. "I love you, Harry," I told him, pulling him towards me for a kiss.

"I love you, too, Louis," he mumbled, kissing me back. When we broke apart, he pulled me in for a hug, squashing my body against his. I looked up at him and noticed he was beginning to cry.

"Don't worry, it's only a week. Have a good time!" I said, brushing away his tears and watching him as he got into the driver's seat. As he drove away, I waved frantically, holding back my own tears until his car was no longer in view. As soon as I got inside, I slumped down on the sofa, pulling my phone out of my pocket and texting Zayn. 'Harry's just gone. Want to come over and keep me company?' Within minutes he replied, saying that he was on his way. I knew I could rely on my best friend to cheer me up. We spent the rest of the day playing video games and eating pizza, Zayn did whatever he could to make me smile and didn't mention Harry's absence once. When he left, I crawled into bed, opening my laptop and video calling Harry. The moment he answered, I couldn't help but smile. "Hey," I said, missing his presence already.

"Hey, Lou, missing me yet?" he asked, smirking slightly. I nodded, knowing he was feeling the same way I was. "It's going to be a long week," he sighed, looking away from the camera. He showed me around his hotel room, telling me about the hotel's restaurant and his plan for the next day. He seemed so excited and I was so happy he was getting this opportunity. We talked about the drive down to London and how different it was to Manchester. "London's quite big. Maybe we could come together one day?" he asked, his face softening at the thought of spending time together.

"I'd love that," I replied, "we could go to Madame Tussaud's and all the museums and ride the London Eye and see Big Ben and we could go on an open top bus - "

"Wow, Louis, I haven't seen you this excited since Christmas!" he laughed, cutting me off. I blushed slightly, realising how much I had been rambling.

"I just look forward to being with you again," I said, smiling into his green eyes. When we decided to end the call it was already late, and I had to get up for work in the morning. I laid in bed, hating how empty and cold it felt without Harry, but eventually falling to sleep, nonetheless. 

Hope you all enjoy this update! What do you think will happen next?

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