Chapter 1

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(This takes time right after the episode The Deadly Venom)
Splinter sees Karai as his daughter and sees the turtles as sons in law. So there's no problem with Karai and Leo dating.

"Leonardo you did well you were able to save your brothers." Splinter said to Leo as he put a hand on his shoulder. The other 3 brothers walked over to them. "Yeah seriously Leo you were able to beat the poison, beat Karai, and save us." Raph said. "I guess today was a win." Leo said trying to convince them.

The others walked away after Leo had said that as he stood standing there. "It wasn't really a win, I'll save you Karai no matter what don't worry." Leo  said quietly to himself. Later that night Leo quietly maneuvered out of his room and made it into the sewer, Leo looked back at the lair, "don't worry guys I'll be back safely and bring Karai back safely too." Leo said as he took off into the sewer and made it to the surface.

Leo leapt from building to building until he reached Shredders's headquarters before sneaking in using the rafters to listen to what Karai was telling shredder. "I had the turtles, but then Leo used some sort of chant to heal himself." Karai was saying. "Unacceptable take a squad of foot bots to monitor the streets looking for them and remember don't believe whatever lies they may tell you." Shredder said. Yes father." Karai said as she left the room. Leo cringed as he heard Karai call Shredder father and resisted the urge to beat Shredder. "Calm down Leo, fighting Shredder isn't going to help anyone especially Karai. Just wait there will be a right time to save Karai." Leo thought to himself as he left the lair to follow Karai and the foot bots.

Leo quietly followed after them, he took his opportunity taking out some of the foot bots without anyone seeing. Karai finally turned around when it was only her and 3 foot bots left. Leo was hiding behind a billboard on the roof they were on. Karai then flicked out her tongue smelling the air. "You know the good part of being a snake, you have a great sense of smell Leo. Foot bots he's behind the billboard attack." Karai said as the foot bots leapt at the billboard.

Leo jumped out from behind the billboard stabbing the first foot bot in head slicing the next one in half doing both in midair. Leo then landing on the roof looked up to see the foot bot's oncoming attack dodged it and sliced the foot bot  clean in half. However once Leo finished off the last foot bot, he felt shots of pain in both his left and right arms.

Leo looked over to see both of Karai's snake hands's fangs sinking into Leo's arms. Karai retracted her hands and Leo stumbled backwards. "The poison is taking its toll huh?" Karai asked as she started to walk over to Leo. Leo began to use the healing hands as he started to chant. "Oh no you don't." Karai said as her arms once again turned into snakes and the fangs sank into his arms. "Ahh!" Leo yelled as he cried out in pain. "Hurts more than last time huh, since you were able to fight it last time I decided to dosage of venom I injected." Karai said as she leaned down over Leo. "Shame I can't finish you myself, Shredder wants you, but seeing him finish you would be nice too." Karai continued as she turned her back on Leo.

"I wouldn't count on that Karai." Leo said as he threw a smoke bomb on the ground. Once the smoke cleared Leo was gone. Karai just started laughing. "Leo I think you forget I have the smell of a snake, I can smell you." Karai said as she dismounted off the roof and into an alley. "Oh fun the sewer, hopefully you'll lead me right to your sensai." Karai said as she jumped down the sewer to follow.

(POV Leo) Leo was running through the sewer as he heard Karai land in the sewer. "Ok I can't lead her back to the lair, then Shredder will know where we live." Leo thought as he ran. "Ok let's try this again." Leo said as he began to preform the healing hands starting to chant.

However before Leo could finish it, he knocked away. He looked up to see Karai. "Wow you really are weak Leo you and your brothers. Karai said as while looking down at him. Leo could barely look up at her, the poison was really taking its toll on him his face was drenched in sweat. Leo started to pull himself towards Karai before stopping right to her feet and weakly looking up at her. "Please Karai remember that splinter is your father, shredder is lying to you." Leo said.

"Liar." Karai cried as she swung her katana down at him. In one last desperate attempt Leo used the healing hands on Karai hoping that it would take out the brain worm or what least buy him some time. Leo dodged the swing of the katana and began to use the healing hands on Karai getting jabs in here and there. Both Leo and Karai collapsed, Leo due to the poison and Karai started retching as she threw up the brain worm. Leo smiled slightly at himself as he laid on his shell, Karai passed out for a minute before coming to.

(Karai POV) Karai opened her eyes and turned her head to see Leo barely conscious while sweating heavily. "Leo, Leo are you ok?" Karai asked as she rushes to his side. "Karai good to see that you're feeling better." Leo said giving her a small smile. "Leo I'm so sorry for what I did." Karai said. "It's not your fault." Leo said before coughing violently. "Leo come let's get you back to the lair." Karai said as she slipped his arm over her shoulder and started dragging him to the lair. "Karai won't make it too far." Leo quietly said. "Call Raph." Leo said handing Karai his T phone before passing out. Karai quickly dialed Raph. "Please pick up please pick up." Karai said quietly to herself.

(Raph POV) Raph was asleep having the best dream ever, until his T phone rang. Raph woke up and cursed  under his breath while looking at the screen of his T phone. "Leo this better be important." Raph grumbled as he picked up his T phone. "Leo what you want?" Raph asked angrily into the phone. "It's not Leo it's Karai -." Karai was saying before Raph cut her off. "Karai what are you going with Leo's phone, what did you do to him!" Raph was yelling into the phone. "Calm down Raphael I'm myself again, Leo saved me, but I injected poison into him and he needs help quickly." Karai said. "Ok I'll be to you in a minute." Raph said as he was starting to run out of his room. "Raphael you won't make it here in time, get my father  he'll know what to do." Karai said.

"Ok." Raph said as he kept the phone to his ear and ran to get Splinter. "Master Splinter Leo went to try to save Karai, he did but Karai poisoned him and they need to talk to you." Raph said as he passed Master Splinter the phone. "Miwa are you ok? What is the problem?" Master Splinter asked a bit frantically. "It's Leo, I inject him with poison, what do I do. He's dying." Karai asked her voice shaking as she was feeling his pulse.

"Miwa stay calm and repeat after me." Master Splinter said as he began to preform the healing hands. Karai copied after Master Splinter and Leo's pulse became stronger and went back to normal. "Father he's ok, it'll take him a day or two for him to be back to normal." Karai said she breathed a sigh of relief. "Ok good to hear, I'll send Raphael, Michelangelo, and Donatello to help you back Leonardo back home." Master Splinter said as he hung up. Karai made her way back to Leo sliding his T phone into Leo's belt. As Karai did this, Leo became conscious. "Thanks for saving me Karai." Leo said weakly while giving a small smile. "Thanks for saving me from the Shredder Leo." Karai said as she sat down next him. "We're in this together Karai I've got your back." Leo said before passing out. "So this is what it truly means to have a family." Karai said.

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