Chapter 2

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It had been a few days since Leo had saved Karai and he was still recovering from the poison. Leo woke up early in the morning before his brothers he walked out of his room using a crutch to help he walk into the kitchen, where he sat down at the table. Leo then stood up to make himself some tea. "Come on Leo you can walk without the crutch." He said to himself. Leo took small slow steps trying to be as careful as he could, thankfully Leo was able to make it to the counter make his tea and make it back to the table without wincing or falling. Leo made it back to the table sat down smiled and sipped his tea.

"Impressive Leo." A voice said. Leo turned around to see Karai in a tank top in shorts leaning against the door frame leading into the kitchen. "How long have you been standing there?" Leo asked sheepishly while trying not to look at Karai's figure. "About the whole time." Karai said smirking. "What are you doing up so early?" Leo asked. "Training, you?" Karai asked. I get up early everyday to train, but I'm still recovering." Leo said. "Sorry about that." Karai said. As she said this Leo just stared at her. "What's wrong why are you staring at me?" Karai asked. "It's just I never thought I'd hear you apologize." Leo said.

Karai then raised her voice in anger " Leo seriously I said sorry when I was freed from the brain worm, you think I can't apologize!" Karai yelled at him. "Calm down Karai I'm sorry, the 1st time you apologized I was poisoned so how am I supposed to remember it, I'll make it up to you how about we spar? Leo asked. "You want to spar? You're still recovering from the poison." Karai said. "Even though I'm recovering from the poison, I can still beat you." Leo said. "Oh you're on Leo, get ready for me to kick your butt." Karai bragged as she led the way to the dojo as Leo followed.

"Ready to go Karai?" Leo asked as he had a katana in each hand. "Born ready." Karai responded as she leapt at Leo with her katana. Leo blocked her attack with his katanas, "Wow that was fair Karai." Leo said sarcastically. "Never said I would fight fair." Karai said smirking. Leo then flipped over Karai to get away from the attack and ran up behind her trying to catch her off guard. Karai then intercepted the attack, "Come on Leo you didn't think it would be that easy." Karai said. "No I don't." Leo said as he jumped back, but as he landed a sharp pain shot through his knee. Leo groaned as he grabbed at his knee, Karai walked over to Leo who was sitting and holding his knee.

"Are you ok?" Karai asked as she got on a knee next to Leo. "Yeah, I'm fine." Leo said. "Is there anything I can do to make it feel better?" Karai asked as she ran her fingers over his knee while leaning closer to Leo. "Umm uh uh." Leo babbled out as his face got red and hot as he felt Karai's breathing on the back of his neck. When Karai's face was about a couple inches away from Leo's.

Karai put her katana under Leo's chin next to his neck. "I guess I win huh?" Karai said. Leo suddenly became angry using his katanas to get out of the hold. "Seriously Karai?" Leo asked angrily. "Oh come on Leo it was just a game." Karai said. "Well maybe some of us don't want to play your games." Leo said as he stood up. "Come on Leo you just need to lighten up." Karai said laughing. "Just leave me out of your games next time." Leo said venomously. Karai then snapped back at him, "This how I am, I'm a kunoichi I play these games all the time Leo." Leo just turned away from her and began to walk out of the dojo, before he felt a pain in his knee and grabbed at his knee. "Leo are you ok?" Karai asked. "Don't pretend to care." Leo said as he limped out of the dojo. "Leo I do care." Karai said quietly to herself once Leo left.

(With Raph) Raph stretched as he was walking out of his room, he then made his way into the living room where he saw Leo sitting a couple inches away from the TV Raph could feel Leo glaring at the TV. Raph walked past the dojo on the walk to the kitchen, Raph heard someone training in the dojo and peeked his head in where he saw Karai punching and kicking  a punching  bag violently and rashly . Raph didn't give it much thought as he headed to the kitchen. Raph entered to see Mikey and Donny sitting at the table. "What's up with Leo and Karai?" Raph asked as he sat down at the table while pouring himself a glass of orange juice. "I don't know they were like that when I woke up." Donny said. "I talked to Karai and she said Leo was being an idiot and when I tried talking to Leo he just ignored me." Mikey said. "I think it's best if we just let they deal with it." Donny said as Raph and Mikey nodded in agreement.

(With Karai) Karai had spent the last 40 minutes attacking the punching bag. "This isn't helping much." Karai thought to herself as she finished punching the bag. Then an idea came to Karai and she went to  Master Splinter's room to talk to her father.
(Halfway through the day) Leo was still mad at Karai as he tried to mediate as his brothers were all playing a video game. Master Splinter then walked into the room and Karai behind him with a duffel bag. "Boys there is something I need to tell you all." Master Splinter said as he slammed the bottom of his staff on the ground. "Yes sensei." They all said as they walked over to him. "Karai knows an old friend in Japan that can help us against Shredder so she will be gone for the next couple days getting her friend." Master Splinter said. "Yes sensei." They all said. "Good then good luck Miwa." Master Splinter said as Karai waved bye to all of them and headed to the subway.

Leo followed Karai into the subway and stopped her before she could make it to the surface. "Karai I just want to tell you to be careful." Leo said. "I didn't know you cared." Karai said smirking with her hand on her hip. Leo blushed and sheepishly rubbed the back of his head. "You're an important part of the Homato clan we couldn't lose you." Leo said. "I know what you meant Leo and I will be careful." Karai said as she headed to the surface.

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