Chapter 10: movies

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Edited May 2021

"Stop fucking missing my mouth," Ashton shouted, throwing one of the fallen M&Ms at Calum's chest.

"Stop fucking moving your mouth!" Calum retorted, throwing another M&M in the air and cheering when it finally landed in Ashton's mouth. Ashton stood up with his arms raised and cheered as he chewed it.

"Careful," Michael squeaked as he slipped past Ashton with carefully balanced cans of beer on top of a pizza box.

"Here," Calum took the entire box, his fingers brushing Michael's. The smaller boy blushed and thanked him softly.

"Luke, please tell me how we're going to watch a movie with no tv?" Ashton questions, jumping onto one of the arm chairs and looking over at Luke, who was up in the loft digging around.

"You have no patience!" Luke shouted back.

"Damn right! Get down here, I'm three beers in and ready to eat a whole box of pizza!" Ashton shouted.

"Calm down, pretty boy," Luke rolled his eyes as he descended the ladder of the loft, holding a small box. Ashton's words fell away with the blush that coated his cheeks. "I have my ways," Luke went on. He took something out from the box and set it on the shelf above the couch. He plugged something into it then moved to the wall directly in front of the couch. He had a white sheet in his hand that he pinned to the wall and let fall. He pulled a small remote from his pocket and pressed one of the buttons. Ashton cheered as a projectors light bounced onto the white sheet.

"You're full of surprises Luke Hemmings!" Ashton smiled.

"Truly magical. What are we watching?" Calum asked, tossing a few more M&Ms into his mouth.

"I got the exorcist, the shining, and Mara. Mara is all subtitled but it's supposed to be good," Luke shrugged. Ashton got visibly excited for scary movies, but Michael blinked fast and retreated into himself. Luke and Ashton were busy debating on the movie, but Calum could see the uptick in Michael's breathing.

"Let's do the shining, I've never seen it," Calum lied, knowing that it was the least scary of the three.

"Shining it is." Luke put the cd into his laptop then connected the laptop to the projector. They all piled onto the couch, Luke at the far left, Michael at the far right and Ashton and Calum between them. The lights were turned off, the volume up high. Luke passed around beers and plates of pizza before they all relaxed comfortably into the cushions. Michael, being as petite as he was, tucked his knees to his chest, eating his pizza slowly and sipping from his beer. Calum was too aware of Michael's every reaction, the way he flinched slightly as every scream or loud noise.

Ashton was staring with rapt attention, oblivious to the way Luke kept glancing at him, just to see the way the movie reflected in his hazel eyes.

They went through at least four beers each, the pizza box empty halfway through the movie. Calum looked down a bit startled when something pressed into his shoulder. Michael's dyed black hair tickled his chin when he turned his head. He leaned forward slightly to look at his face, something warm settling in his stomach as he watched the boys eyelashes flutter in his sleep. Calum sat back carefully, trying not to jostle him, and refocused on the movie.

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