Chapter 20: showtime

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Edited May 2021

"This is a terrible idea." Michael started wide eyed at the drawn curtain, his face red and his hands shaking.

"Mikey, we're ready, don't get in your head now," Ashton said, though her own voice was slightly shaky as she stared at the curtain.

"Hey, it's almost show time, okay?" Principle Jacobson comes through the side entrance and stops in his tracks when he sees Ashton's outfit. "Ashton, I did not approve of this," he pinched the bridge of his nose. Ashton smiles innocently, though she understood completely.

In order to fully sell their whole 'labels' gimmick, they dressed up exactly as their labels. Michael was wearing a variation of a nun outfit, headpiece and all. Calum was wearing a button down shirt that was unbuttoned to his mid chest, his hair ruffled as though he'd just been screwing around, and they thought about unbuttoning his pants but they had to draw the line somewhere. Luke had a sign on his back that said 'whore's son'– they thought it was a bit mean but it isn't their label, it's the schools. Lastly, Ashton was wearing a very short skirt, a Lacy bralette, knee length high heeled boots, and a very sexy makeup look. As with Luke, they each had a sign on their backs with their respective labels.

"Principle Jacobson, we're trying to diminish labels, we need to make a statement," Luke said, appearing from behind Ashton.

"And you have to do that by dressing like this?" He gestured to all of them.

"In order to destroy them we first have to become them. Ashton's going to change after the first song," Luke assured. The principle sighed but nodded nonetheless.

"Fine. You're on in two minutes," Principle Jacobson smiled softly. "Good luck, kids," then he walked away.

"I can't breathe," Michael planted his hands on his knees and hunched down a bit.

"Mikey, baby, look at me," Calum kneeled in front of him so that Michael would be forced to look in his eyes. "We're going to be right there beside you, okay? If you need any reassurance that you're doing great, you just look at me. Okay? I'll be right there." Michael breathed out heavily, licking his dry lips, then nodding.

"Okay," he whispered.

"We got this okay?" Calum smiled softly.

"Okay," Michael repeated, though he still looked pale. He wrapped his arms around Calum's shoulders as the boy stood back up, tucking himself into Calum's chest.

"What if this just makes it all worse?" Ashton whispered close to Luke's ear, her eyes trained on Michael and Calum.

"Then we'll drop out and live in my cabin forever," Luke shrugged nonchalantly, his heart racing faster and faster as the seconds ticked on.

"I'm serious," Ashton chuckled. "What if it just gets worse for all of us?" She looked up at luke with round, hazel eyes that were shining with uncertainty. Luke turned fully towards her and cupped her cheeks.

"Then we'll protect each other. I got your back, you got Mikey's back, Mikey's got Calum's back, and Calum's got my back." He kissed her forehead gently and gave her a reassuring smile. "We're going to give our all tonight and if that's not enough, then fuck them." Ashton sighed, closing her eyes for a second to focus on the rapid pumping of her heart in her throat.

"Alright, give a round of applause for our amazing dance team." The four band mates looked at the big red curtain that would open in less than a minute. They each looked at each other, and Luke nodded confidently at them. Ashton moved to sit on her drum stool, Calum picked up the bass guitar and moved to the right side of the stage behind a second microphone, Michael walked hesitantly up to the main microphone, and Luke took the left side of the stage with an electric guitar and the third microphone.

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