chapter 1

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"Your not gonna fuck up again are you yuily?" Elijah a young male huffs putting a hand on his hip raising a brow. "Wouldn't dream of it" yuily scoffs"be sure to keep that in mind then dorothea chuckles shaking her head sighing

"Hmph" Elijah rolled their eyes and huffs slightly. Elijah was always the hot temptered male, and he couldn't stand yuily not knowing why anyways but he couldn't help but let the male take his heart even the tiniest bit, he just decides to deny it.

The group of 6 walked down a hall "those assholes were about to rip us off for our drinks" fallon huffs. "You shoud have invited me" phillip pouts "enough already" Dorothea rolled her eyes at the males.

"I remind you all to take caution we'll begin the performance as plan" wallard states as they arrived to their location. "And that we will do sir" Elijah states glancing at yuily and huffs as he turned to what they were doing.

"A fancy party and expensive ladies sounds fun" phillip comments "lets get to the plan then we split in two groups" Dorothea said looking at the other two.
"I smell blood" yuily mumbles, Elijah knew what he was going to do "yuily!" He growled in fustration. As yuily went straight for it and attacked, "just go and help him out" wallard states "lets go go" Dorothea said taking out her weapon.

Elijah nods as he grabbed his case and jumped down and lands gracefully onto the ground wiping ouy his own weapon
Its a small tube at first till it extended to a full blown weapon

And they kicked ass till all of them were dead. But the person they were looking for "it would seem kirshner isnt here" wallard observed his surroundings. Elijah sighs and wipes the sweat from his forehead "well that was fun" he states sarcastically humming softly then glared towards yuily "yuily" phillip exclaims in anger grabbing yuilys sweater "are you out of yoour tiny mind? You could have gotten yourself killed" phillip yelled.

Elijah pursed his lips and looked away leaning onto his weapon abit "hes right, that was not a smart move" he said scratching the back of his head turning away.

"You have to admit i did pretty wel though" yuily said with a shrugg. Phillip grumbles and lets go "moron do you have a death wish" he exclaims leaving yuily alone. "No its more reckless then a death wish" Dorothea adds.

Later on

They were on a ship to their next location, Elijah sat on a chair feeling abit sick since he was on a boat and gets motion sickness.

They then arrived in japan, Elijah looked around and hums softly. "This place is...big" he mumbles "we really do stick out like a sore thumb dont we?" Phillip said as he looked around seeing the people giving them glances. Elijah felt uncomfortable at all the eyes looking at him and he moved abit then bumps into yuily abit.

Yuily looked at Elijah tilting his head abit "you okay?" He asked "yes! I am fine!" Elijah said instantly turning away again. "Foreigners aren't that unordinary anymore japan is more open these days althiugh my figure tends to make me stand out anywhere" Dorothea smiled flipping her hair.

"You are very pretty" Elijah nods commenting "see?" Dorothea chuckles softly "gotta point if you tucked that shirt anymore you'll probably-" fallon said before Dorothea stomped on his foot making him yelp.

"I dont like the stares" Elijah said then turns to the male servant walking up to them "i serve the naowai family" he bowed clearing his throat "welcome to japan" he states.

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