chapter 4

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They were all in the room checking up on all the records and by they its the whole gang. Elijah was in a happier mood that morning mainly cus of all the things yuily had opened up to Elijah about.

He drank his tea as he read the records and hums softly as he heard phillip complain about why he was the arran boy. They talked about the whole hyako party and such "we'll need the investigation file we borrowed to this point, i can see whats up" elijah mumbles "right hey phillip you get it for elijah" fallon said "huh why me?" Phillip conplained "why dont i get it then" yuily said eagerly and went to the back to get the file for Elijah.

The gang looking at him "hes being a little more happy then usual" Dorothea said looking towards the direction "maybe hes just feeling better" phillip states as he bites into the pastry he had.
"Do you know anything about it Elijah?" Dorothea asked.

Elijah took a sip of his tea and calmly sighs "i have no idea what your talking about but im glad he is finally feeling better" he said softly and tried to suppress and smile but his blush flared up abit.

"Hm" Dorothea smirks softly in amusement till someone knocked. Then it was ryoko "hello ryoko" Dorothea greets "excuse me, my father would like you to join us for dinner this evening" she said with a small smile.

Elijah looked up from hos book and raised a brow for a moment and huffs softly. "You can tell your father we will be more the happy" Dorothea states
Ryoko smiled and nods "wonderful we'll be serving" she only then stopped when she saw yuily.

Elijah's eye twitched abit but he kept looking at his book and calmly stood up. "Is something the matter ryoko?" Elijah asked as he took the files from yuily placing his hand over yuily's abit and looked at the girl with a warning look.

Ryoko got nervous and saw that gestures and shook her head huffing "its nothing im looking foreward to it" ryoko then left. "This one it?" Yuily asked with a small blush on his face towards Elijah "yes it is thank you" Elijah said with a small smile "anything else?" Yuily asked "u-um no its fine" Elijah said taking off his glasses again and cleans them.

Dorothea and phillip both knew whats up now they were already making their bets.

Sooner or later willard came in ajd reported the rest of the gang thennthey all listened.

Later that day

Elijah enjoyed the dinner they talked and such. He then stuggled abit with the chop sticks and sighs softly, yuily glanced towards Elijah and placed his hand over Elijahs and helped him out of it "um..thank you" Elijah states.

Phillip snickers at the two, willard had mentioned the errands the gang were going on. "Who will be going?" Ryoko asked curiously "me and Elijah are" yuily answered.

Elijah choked on the fish he ate and tried to keep his coughing at bay and was confused at why he was going with yuily he might die in embarrassment. Ryoko frowned slightly as she looked in jealousy.

"Yeah these two boys are perfect for each other just look at them" Dorothea giggled softly as she brought the two close. "Is this really necessary?" Elijah huffs with pink cheeks.

"Yeah they'll be perfectly fine they are the best team and all" phillip pushes in with a smile "oh well thats nice" ryoko states eating quickly now.

Next day

Dorothea, yuily and Elijah were on the train to their next destination for the errand "you seemed so eagered to have volunteered you and Elijah together" Dorothea comments. "Well we are partners" yuily states then looked at Elijah having complex feelings about them he knew what he was. But he couldn't hate him cus he was also like him.

"Yes very well, as yuilys partner i should be where ever he goes and he should go wherever i go, its all in the days work of being partners" Elijah rants lifting his glasses up repeatedly.

"Oh my" Dorothea giggled, they then just sat at the seats they had picked. Yuily only then opened the window once they were at their stop. "Whats the matter yui-" Elijah only also smelt it and hums softly as he then took he weapon then yelps as yuily took his hand and they both ran out of the train.

Elijah blushed as he looked at their hands but he didn't have time for that whats so ever he had to stay focus. They instantly jumped to the next train now not know someone persistent was following.

They got on quickly and sat down "warn me next time yuily" Elijah sighs "sorry" yuily mumbles then saw Dorothea walk to them with new tickets "now can you explain why we got off the train?" She asked "we smelt a vampire here" Elijah states "and i know where it is" he said glancing around.

"Fighting in here would be messy" Dorothea mumbles "i'll go check their position you stay here" she ordered and there was no disobeying for this one. Elijah sighs as he looked out the window, he hums softly before he felt a familiar presence again then sees them. His eyes widening

It was a few years after the incident happened, yuily was angry and sad towards Elijah because of what he was born as a hybrid not just that half vampire at that.

Elijah sat on the roof crying softly, he looked at the pendent his father gave him when he was very young, he didn't want yuily to be angry at him for how he was born he sighs and shook his head then sensed something was watching him or more or less someone. Elijah jumps and looked around ready to attack but then yelps as he was pushed back

Elijah held out teh small weapon he had then looked around for a moment till he saw red eyes staring right at him. "Vampire" Elijah mumbles "calm.down not here to hurt you" the older male said looking at the scared boy "i need you to do me a favor" they spoke "why would i do you a favor" Elijah huffs "i knowni shouldn't be trusted but just here me out" the said

Elijah hesitates but huffs against "whats your name?" He asked "mikeal" he states. "and what do you want me to do?" Elijah mumbles "protect yuily for me make him want to live again" mikeal said "your...myour his older brother arent you?" Elijah asked

"Im no one at the moment" mikeal said before leaving disappearing into the night


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